For Jesus himself testified that. prophet hath no honor in his own country.

The "for" explains why Jesus did not tarry at Nazareth, but went to other parts of Galilee and stopped at Capernaum. This statement of Jesus is recorded four times and in three of these certainly refers to the rejection of Jesus by his neighbors and kindred at Nazareth (see Matthew 13:57; Mark 6:4; Luke 4:24). This must be its meaning here, and is evidently based on the incident recorded in Luke 4:14-30. It declares. general truth. Judea persecuted Isaiah and Jeremiah; Israel, Elijah; Columbus had to go to. foreign land to got help to discover America. The interpretation of this passage, suggested by comparison with the parallel passages, that it explains his turning aside from Nazareth to sojourn elsewhere, is so easy and natural that it is. surprise to the writer that so many commentators reject it for far-fetched and complicated explanations.

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