This is again the second miracle.

The word is "sign" in the Greek. He had wrought other miracles in Judea, but this was the second wrought in Galilee. The seat of the first was Cana; the Lord was at Cana when he wrought the second, but the subject of it was at Capernaum.


1. Christ is the Great Physician; the healer of the sickness of our souls.

2. He hears our prayers on his heavenly throne and from thence can say when we pray that our children may drink of the "living water," "Thy son liveth."

3. "Blessed are they who, not having seen, have believed," because they have found in Christ Him who meets every want of the soul.

4. How often those who have the best spiritual opportunities are slowest to appreciate them. R. G. Ingersoll was the son of. preacher. We have known many other preacher's sons who were wicked blasphemers. The people of Nazareth rejected Christ. 'He came to his own and his own received him not.' "Many shall come from the east and the west (from afar off), and sit down with Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out."

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