Where is thy Father?

This question is asked, not for information, but in. scornful spirit. They could not see his Father, therefore they disputed his words. The Savior strikes at the root of their difficulty in his reply:

Ye neither know me, nor my Father.

Had they known Christ this would have led them to. knowledge of the Father, for it is thus we learn to know God, by beholding him manifest in the flesh. The mighty Jehovah, clothed in majesty and sitting on his throne in the heavens, may be above our comprehension, but the Savior, weeping with tenderness and beaming with love, we can comprehend. On the other hand, it is. demonstration that men know not God who do not recognize Christ, for "in him is the fulness of the Godhead." By their rejection of Christ these Pharisees demonstrated that they "knew not God."

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