And ye shall know the truth.

Disciples are learners. Their object is to know the truth. The way to know the truth is, not to engage in study, but to obey the truth. He declares (John 7:17): "If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God." This shows that the best way to silence doubts is to practice the duties of Christian life. It is certain that the faithful doers of the will of God are not the doubters, and it is also certain that those who become skeptics begin by neglecting their duties. Those who walk devoutly in the footsteps of Christ are not troubled by doubts.

And the truth shall make you free.

The truth known through obedience to Christ's words. Too often churches seek to bring those who would obey Christ into bondage to creeds, traditions of men and human forms. The gospel obeyed frees --frees from the yoke of Satan, from spiritual task-masters, from fear, fills the soul with hope and the free spirit of. man who serves the Father from love.

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