10:1 When he had called unto him his twelve disciples.

It is not said that the Twelve were now chosen. It had been done on previous occasions. They had been for. considerable period under the direct teaching of Christ and he now sends them forth to preach. Henceforth they are "apostles," those sent forth. Two reasons appear to have led to this commissioning of the Twelve: first, the growing eagerness of the people to hear the news of the kingdom could not be satisfied by one preacher; second, the growing opposition of the Pharisees made apparent the necessity of not only appointing, but training, men to preach Christ's gospel when he should be slain. This commission was, however, for. purely temporary service, and the instructions which accompanied it apply directly only to this singular preparatory mission.

And he gave them power.

To do the same kind of works of mercy which Jesus had done, and thus to carry out his mission. Works of mercy and love are inseparable from the true preaching of the gospel. They were to be the leaders and teachers. It was needful that they demonstrate their commission by their credentials.

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