He that findeth his life shall lose it.

Whoever counts his life of so much value that he will preserve it by sacrificing his Christian integrity, or will renounce his religion to save his life, will find in the end that he has lost his soul forever for the sake of. few fleeting years; while he who gives up all things, even life itself, will find an abundant reward in the life eternal. All self-seeking is self-losing. Even in the spiritual things, he who is perpetually studying how to secure joy and peace for himself loses it.. certain measure of self-forgetfulness is the condition of the highest success even in Christian grace.-- Abbott. As if one should say to. husbandman, "If you spare and keep your grain you lose it; if you sow it, you give it life." For who is so ignorant as not to know that the grain sown is lost to our sight and perishes in the earth? But, by the very means of rotting in the dust, it springs forth to. renewal of life (John 12:24-25).-- Bede.

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