Preach... The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

John the Baptist, and Christ also, both had preached, "The kingdom is at hand." It had not yet been inaugurated. So the apostles were still able to preach. It was near, but not in existence. There was no such charge in the second commission. Then "all power in heaven and on earth was in the hands of Christ." He was King. The Kingdom was set up. Nor were the apostles now directed to explain in what the kingdom of heaven consisted; they were simply to proclaim that it was near. In this respect their teaching was to be patterned after that of John the Baptist. Matthew 3:2. It was their office in this mission not to instruct the nation, but simply to raise an expectancy, and so prepare the way for instruction which Christ afterward afforded, and which the apostles themselves were afterward directed to give the Gentiles. Matthew 28:19. It is not. law nor even. precedent for us; but is it not always the first work of the preacher to awaken. spiritual appetite, even if it be not very intelligent at the beginning.

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