Heal the sick, cleanse lepers, etc.

To those who see in the external acts of Christ's ministry. parable of his spiritual work, and especially in his ministry to the body. type of his ministry to the soul, it will not seem fanciful to trace that parallel here. The wise apostle of Christ will sometimes treat sin as. sickness to be cured, (comp. Galatians 6:1-2), sometimes as. leprous pollution to be cleansed away, (Acts 8:22-23), sometimes as. spiritual death, the remedy for which is. spiritual resurrection, (Ephesians 2:4-5), sometimes as. possession of the soul by an evil spirit that must be cast out. Acts 13:10-12; Acts 19:18-19. He needs to exercise sometimes gentleness and long-suffering, sometimes the purifying power of loving-kindness, sometimes spiritual vehemence, sometimes courage in combat with opposing evil.-- Abbott.

Freely ye have received; freely give.

The gospel and the power to work miracles were bestowed upon them without money or price. They were to impart them as freely to others.


The disciple of Christ who prays for laborers for the Lord's harvest must be willing to go himself as. laborer.

The worker for Christ must be chosen, called, and commissioned of Christ himself.

The worker for Christ needs, and may possess, an endowment of power for his task.

The worker for Christ bears benefits to men's bodies and blessings to men's souls.

The worker for Christ should be plain in life, and unincumbered by worldly affairs, that he may give all his time and thoughts to his work.

For the work of preaching the gospel Christ seeks men, and not angels; men saved from sin; men trained in his work; men who have communed with himself.

PREACH THE GOSPEL.--Scott, in one of his poems, refers to the beautiful custom of ancient Scotland of assembling their clans by means of the fiery cross.. light cross of wood was charred at its point, and the flames quenched in the blood of. goat. This was sent around to the villages and homes of the clan, each one sending it on to his next neighbor, with only the name of the meeting-place. And every one was bound under fearful anathemas to obey the sign.

"When flits this cross from man to man, Vich-Alpine's summons to his clan, Burst be the ear that fails to heed! Palsied the foot that shuns to speed!"

So is Christ's cross, scorched with his sufferings, stained with his blood, the summons to every disciple to go forth and preach the gospel.-- Peloubet.


1. Note the Lord's compassion, what for and what it has led him to do. 2. Note the contrast between the " Good Shepherd" and false shepherds. They lose their sheep; he saves them. 3. Note that we must have Christ's compassion, and its fruit is missionary effort. 4. Observe that we cannot sincerely pray for laborers unless we are ready to labor. We must say, Go, help others to go, and go ourselves. We must be willing to send our sons, as well as other people's sons. 5. Point out distinctly the difference between the First and the Second commission. 6. Ask the class to name the three most important of the apostolic band and to outline their lives. 7. Emphasize that all Christians are called to carry on the beneficent work of Christ. (1) We find what is the beneficent work of Christ. (2) The call to enter upon that work. (3) We see that power to do the work is given with the call. And (4) we consider who are called, and the great variety of workers needed in Christ's vineyard, each with his own work to do.

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