Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye.

The man who finds fault with another for. sin of which he is more guilty is. hypocrite, as if. thief should rail out against the poor woman who took. loaf of bread to keep her children from starving, or the libertine should condemn. possible lapse from purity. The Lord enjoins that we should rid ourselves of. fault before we seek to cure others of it. Yet this is not by any means always done, even by professing Christians. We have known men whose mouths were stained with the weed scold their children for using tobacco; we have known those who were the slaves of one appetite blaming people for being under the dominion of another, or profane swearers whip their children for swearing. Christ forbids all this. He says, First reform yourself, and then reform others. The true way to reform mankind is for each one to look at home, and to begin by reforming himself.. great many are very zealous to convert the world who are themselves unconverted.

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