For every one that asketh, receiveth, &c.

Every one of the class concerning whom the Savior speaks. That class is those who can say, "Our Father in heaven; Hallowed be thy name; Thy will be done." Those who have brought themselves into such. relation to God that they can pray the prayer Christ taught will have their petitions granted. God will not always give just what they ask, for they may ask unwisely; but he will hear them and give them. blessing. God always answers the right kind of prayer, but in his own way and at his own time. We must always ask in submission to the will of God. If our children were to ask us for things that would injure them, if we are wise parents, we would not grant them what they ask. So our Heavenly Father, who is both kind and wise, when we make mistakes in what we ask for, will not give us what we ask, but if he does not, will give us that which is better for us.

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