Matthew 8:5

THE CENTURION'S FAITH. -- Matthew 8:5-13. GOLDEN TEXT. --_. have not found so great faith, no not in Israel._ -- Matthew 8:10. TIME. --A. D. 28. PLACE. --Capernaum. HELPFUL READINGS. -- Matthew 8:1-4; Luke 7:1-10; Hebrews 11:1-10; John 4:47-53; Luke 13:24-30. LESSON ANALYSIS. --1. _The Centurion's P... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:6

LORD, MY SERVANT LIETH AT HOME SICK OF THE PALSY. Luke says his servant "was dear unto him," and the whole account of Matthew indicates intense solicitude. While Romans often treated their slaves with great inhumanity, there were many instances of devoted affection. The slaves were prisoners taken... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:7

HE SAITH TO HIM. To his messengers, the elders who had been sent to intercede; "I will come and heal him." Luke tells us that he started at once, but was interrupted by what follows.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:8

II. THE CENTURION'S FAITH. 8. THE CENTURION ANSWERED. Through friends whom he had sent for this purpose (Luke 7:6). I AM NOT WORTHY THAT THOU SHOULDST COME UNDER MY ROOF. This humility was partly due to his consciousness that he was. Gentile, and as such not an heir of the blessings bestowed upo... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:9

FOR. AM. MAN UNDER AUTHORITY, HAVING SOLDIERS UNDER ME. The meaning is: "I know how to obey, being myself under authority, and in turn know how others obey, having soldiers under me." The inference is: "If. then, in my subordinate station of command, am obeyed, how much more thou, who art over all,... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:10

WHAT JESUS HEARD IT HE MARVELLED. There are two cases in our Lord's history where he is said to have marvelled, here and in Mark 6:6. In one case he marvels at the faith of. Gentile; in the other at the unbelief of the Jews. It has been said, "What can be more wonderful than to see Christ wonder?... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:11

III. GENTILES AND THE CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM. 11. MANY SHALL COME FROM THE EAST AND WEST. The terms "the east and the west," the extreme points of the compass, are taken to indicate the regions that are far away, the whole world. The Lord means not only those who are geographically far away from... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:12

BUT THE CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM. The Jews, the natural children of Abraham, the "Father of the faithful," were heirs of the promises made to him and had they not rejected it, would naturally have been the children of the kingdom. They had the promises, the word of God, the privileges, but turned aw... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:13

AS THOU HAST BELIEVED. The Centurion believed that Jesus could heal his servant by speaking the word, without going to his house, and Christ tells him that it shall be according to his faith. IN THAT HOUR, At the moment these words were spoken, the servant was well. Like the other miracles of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:18

THE TEMPEST STILLED. -- Matthew 8:18-27. GOLDEN TEXT. --_ Why are ye fearful,. ye of little faith._ -- Matthew 8:26. TIME. --Either A. D. 27 or 28. PLACE. --Sea of Galilee and the coasts thereof. HELPFUL READINGS. -- Matthew 8:14-17; Mark 4:37-41; Luke 9:57-62; Luke 8:22-25; John 6:15-21. LESSON ANA... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:19

CERTAIN SCRIBE SAID... I WILL FOLLOW THEE. Though this scribe belonged to. class which, as. body, rejected Christ he was disposed to be. disciple (see verse 21), but had not counted the cost of giving up all and following the Lord. This offer was to attach himself to the company who attended the Sa... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:20

JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM. He rejects not this man's offer, nor refuses him the liberty to follow him, only he will have him know what he is doing and "count the cost." He will have him weigh well the real nature and the strength of his attachment, whether it be such as will abide in the day of trial. I... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:21

AND ANOTHER OF HIS DISCIPLES, SAID. One who recognized him as. great and wonderful teacher and was anxious to learn of him, but had not yet learned to give up _all_ for him. SUFFER ME FIRST TO GO AND BURY MY FATHER. There are two views. 1. That his father was already dead and he wished only to att... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:22

FOLLOW ME. The highest of all duties, now discharged by becoming his disciple, obeying him and making his life our example. It, also, when he was on earth in person implied to follow his footsteps and attend upon his person. As the Twelve were his personal companions this disciple was probably one... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:23

II. THE STORMY SEA. 23. AND WHEN HE WAS ENTERED INTO. SHIP. Boat is. better rendering. It was. small open row boat, large enough for the Savior and the Twelve apostles, the disciples who accompanied him. We know from Mark that night had set in when they departed upon the sea.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:24

THERE AROSE. GREAT TEMPEST IN THE SEA. Mark says, "A great storm;" Luke, "There came down. storm of wind;" the word used by Matthew implies. tornado. The Greek word denotes. sudden and violent gust of wind, such as frequently bursts on the lake, which is surrounded by mountains with deep ravines.--_... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:25

LORD, SAVE US: WE PERISH. It is curious and significant that, while each of the three evangelists reports the words with which Christ was awakened, they do not agree. Matthew's report is, _Lord, save us, we perish;_ Mark, _Teacher, carest thou not that we perish?_ Luke, _Master, Master, we perish._... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:26

III. THE TEMPEST STILLED. 26.. YE OF LITTLE FAITH. According to Matthew he characterizes them as of "_ little faith;_ " according to Mark he asked, _How have ye no faith?_ according to Luke, _Where is your faith?_ The spirit of the rebuke is the same in all the amounts; very probably neither has p... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:27

BUT THE MEN MARVELLED. That his disciples should be astonished at the miracle accords with what is said of them on other occasions (Matthew 16:6-7; Mark 6:52; John 6:5-9; John 20:25).--_ L. Abbott._ They expected, indeed, that he would save them; but they were overwhelmed with the majesty and ease w... [ Continue Reading ]

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