But the children of the kingdom.

The Jews, the natural children of Abraham, the "Father of the faithful," were heirs of the promises made to him and had they not rejected it, would naturally have been the children of the kingdom. They had the promises, the word of God, the privileges, but turned away from these, while the Gentiles became "Abraham's seed and heirs of the promise by faith."

Cast into outer darkness.

"The expression denotes darkness the most remote from the light, and is employed in opposition to the most brilliant lights, which are figuratively supposed to be burning in the banqueting-room. The history of the Jews for 1800 years has been. fulfillment of this passage."-- Gilmore. The Jews by their rejection of the kingdom have shut its doors against themselves and excluded themselves from the eternal kingdom.

There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The Revision correctly supplies the article before weeping and gnashing, which makes the terms more emphatic. The weeping indicates intense sorrow, and gnashing, intense rage on account of expulsion from the kingdom. "There is. hint at the wretchedness of. future state of punishment. The figures are fearful: black night, grief, rage."-- Schaff.

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