I, John, who am your brother.

Observe that he places himself on the same level of the brethren to whom he writes. He is not their "Reverend Father in God," but their brother. No apostle ever makes assumptions bearing any resemblance to those of the priests of Rome and episcopacy.

Companion in tribulation.

Partner in persecution. It was. time of suffering in the churches. Domitian, the Roman emperor, was. capricious tyrant. But this persecution could be better endured because they were also partners in "the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ," and heirs of its promises.

Was in the isle called Patmos for the word of God.

Sent there because he preached the word of God. It was. rocky isle about eight miles long and one mile wide, within sight of the Asiatic coast where the seven churches lay, and has now about four thousand inhabitants.

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