Philadelphia stood about twenty miles from Sardis and was the second city in importance in the province of Lydia. It is first mentioned in Revelation, and the praises bestowed upon the church show that it was worthy of. city of Brotherly Love. Though the old name has been laid aside by the Turks, the city still has three thousand houses and. Christian population. There are said to be five churches in the place, and it is the seat of. Greek bishop.

THE SEVEN CHURCHES.--At the time when John wrote there were hundreds of churches in existence. On the Asiatic Continent many had been founded in Judea, Syria, and elsewhere, and in the district of which Ephesus was the commercial metropolis, and which was especially designated as Asia, we know that in the last quarter of the first century there were not only the seven churches named, but Colossae, Hierapolis, and perhaps many more. Why then should the Lord direct his message to the seven churches alone? If the reader will turn over the pages of Revelation he will be surprised by the frequency with which the number seven occurs. There are the Seven Spirits of God, the Seven Stars, the Seven Churches, the Seven Horns and Seven Eyes of the Lamb, Seven Trumpets, Seven Thunders, Seven Vials, etc., etc. It will help us to understand the reason for the use of seven in many instances to remember that it is the perfect number and denotes perfection, or completeness. In several of the instances just given this is evidently its meaning, especially where it refers to the Spirit, or to the Lamb, and. suppose that seven churches are named fur. similar reason. This complete number would make them fitting representatives of the entire Church, and those selected probably represent every condition that ever prevails among churches that have not apostatized from the faith. There is first, the metropolitan church of Ephesus, where some had departed from their first love and zeal for Christ, and which is commanded to repent under the penalty of the removal of its candlestick. There is second, the persecuted church of Smyrna, whose members would be cast into prison and endure tribulation, and where. little later Polycarp was burned alive. There is third, the martyr church of Pergamos, persecuted by heathenism, where most had held fast to the name of Christ, but where some had fallen into the worldly sins of Balaam. Next comes the church of Thyatira, seduced by false teachings and induced to compromise with sin. In the fifth place, there is the spiritually dead church of Sardis, which is called to repentance. Sixth comes the tried church of Philadelphia, which had not denied the Lord's name; and lastly, the lukewarm church of Laodicea, which he threatens to spew out of his mouth. In addressing these seven churches the Lord addresses the Church universal in every phase of its existence.

The plan of the seven letters to these churches is in each instance the same. In each we find,

1. An order to write to the angel of the church.

2.. glorious title of the Lord.

3. An address to the church which describes its condition and gives it an admonition to perseverance or repentance, as its state demands.

4. An announcement of what will come to pass.

5.. promise to him that overcometh.

6.. closing injunction: "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

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