And the four beasts said, Amen.

This scene, all. wonderful preface, to the opening of the seals by the Lamb, closes with the Amen of the four living creatures and the worship of the elders.


1. It is Christ, not as. Lion, but as. Slain Lamb, who is able to open the book.

2. This vision not only shows us that Christ reveals the future, as he has done in the book of Revelation, but that he controls it.

3. What lover of Christ will not study with deep interest the unrolled leaves of. book which he has opened?

4. The reader should not fail to observe that the fact that Christ became. Slain Lamb, or in other words, the fact that he died for men, is assigned as the reason of that supreme majesty that enabled him to hold the book with the power of God. The scenery of this vision, and the songs sung in heaven, make the death of Christ the great central fact of his being. However earthly theologians may reason, these higher intelligences held the doctrine of the atonement.-- Vision of the Ages.

5. In teaching this lesson the striking imagery should not be lost sight of. (1) Opened gates of heaven; (2) The Almighty on the throne; (3) The Living Creatures, Elders and Angels around the throne; (4) The Sealed Book; (5) The Lamb who takes the Book; (6) The grand doxology, sung first by the Living Creatures and Elders; then by these and the countless angels, and lastly, by these and every creature of the universe. It is the doxology of the universe.

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