They shall hunger no more.

Their sorrows, trials, and tribulations, of body as well as mind, are over forever. They shall not hunger or thirst, because "the Lamb shall feed them" with the Bread of life, and "lead them to living fountains" of the waters of life. Nor shall they ever sorrow, because God shall "wipe all tears from their eyes." In other words, he will take away every cause that makes our mortal tears to flow, and fill our hearts with everlasting joy. The figure is. very tender one; of. loving Father wiping away and drying up the tears of his children. The reader should note the picture of heaven here presented. It is, 1.. place of praise from rejoicing souls; 2. The saints enjoy the immediate presence and care of God and the Lamb; 3. Tears never fall. Every cause of sorrow is removed forever. Suns do not scorch, and hunger and thirst are never felt; 4. The Lamb tenderly supplies the wants of the saints, and God dries up every source of tears; 5. The saints engage in unceasing service of God. They served him on the earth; now they serve him before the throne.


1. Though God may permit his saints to suffer he never forgets them.

2. "All things shall work for good to them that love God." Sometimes they may not see the good in the darkness that environs them, but it will finally be revealed and enjoyed.

3. Pure and lasting joy is generally born out of. baptism of suffering. Christ bore the cross before be received the crown. So must his disciples. Those who wore the white robes came up out of the great tribulation.

4. Only those who have white robes can enter heaven. Nothing that is defiled by sin can ever enter there (Revelation 21:27). Only the blood of Christ can make our robes white by cleansing us from sin. If we would be cleansed we must come to him and obey him.

5. You may have tears and sorrow here, but if you secure the white robes, the time cometh when every pang that rends the heart shall cease, and every tear that blinds the eye shall be wiped away forever. "Earth hath sorrow, sin and pain, and bitter tears," but when the trials of earth are ended these are left behind. In the heavenly home "God shall wipe away all tears from your eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain."

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