πορνεύωμεν, i.e. the natural result of joining in the impure worship of Ashtaroth, or Astarte, the Syrian Venus. The temple of Aphrodite, on the AcroCorinthus, contained a thousand priestesses devoted to the same licentious worship. See Introduction. The warning in the text was, therefore, by no means needless. The occasion referred to is that related in Numbers 25:1-6.

εἰκοσιτρεῖς χιλιἀδες. In Numbers 25:9 we find 24,000. The actual number would no doubt be between the two, so that both here and in the book of Numbers only round numbers are given. ‘Our Apostle saith not definitely three and twenty thousand perished, but three and twenty thousand at the least.’ Lightfoot.

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Old Testament