39. [σάρξ] before ἀνθρώπων rec. with Peshito. Om. אABDEFG Vetus Lat. Vulg.

σάρξ before πτηνῶν אBDEFG and some copies of Vulg. Om. rec. with A Peshito and Vulg. (auth.). אABDE Vulg. Peshito have πτηνῶν before ἰχθύων. Rec. reverses the order with FG.

39. οὐ πᾶσα σάρξ. The same principle is now applied to animate which has been applied to inanimate nature. There are different varieties and forms of bodily life (σάρξ). The Apostle in this and the two following verses lays down the doctrine (see note on 1 Corinthians 15:42) that the life hereafter will depend in every way upon the life here; that the body raised will correspond to the body sown; that the character impressed upon it during this life will remain with it throughout eternity. And this not merely in the broad general distinction between good and bad (see Galatians 6:7-8), but in the minuter shades of individual character.

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Old Testament