ἄλλῃ. The change from ἑτέρα is not without its meaning. The glory of the various celestial bodies is the same in kind but different in degree. The glory of heavenly and earthly bodies is different in kind. So in 1 Corinthians 15:39.

δόξα ἡλίου. The argument is pushed a step farther. The celestial bodies are not all alike. They differ in beauty and excellency. And so to all eternity it shall be true of men raised and in possession of their heavenly bodies, that ‘one star differeth from another star in glory.’ So Chrysostom on 1 Corinthians 15:38. ‘Augustine elegantly says, “splendor dispar: coelum commune.” ’ Wordsworth. An erroneous interpretation of Matthew 20:10 has led some to the conclusion that all rewards shall be exactly alike in the world to come. As the Apostle here shews, the analogy of nature makes against this in every way. And the passage just cited has reference not to the equality of rewards, but of the principle on which such rewards are given. The labourer is rewarded, not for length of service, but for the spirit in which that service has been rendered.

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Old Testament