51. [μὲν] after πάντες אAEFG Vulg. Text BCD.

πάντες οὐ κοιμηθησόμεθα, πάντες δὲ� BE Peshito. A reads πάντες κοιμηθησόμεθα, οἱ πάντες δὲ κ.τ.λ. אCFG read πάντες κοιμηθησόμεθα, οὐ πάντες δὲ�. D, Vulg. and most copies of Vetus Lat. substitute ἀναστησόμεθα for the κοιμηθησόμεθα of the last reading. The text is not only in the utmost confusion, but has been so from a very early period. The text of Tertullian De Res. Carnis has probably been tampered with, for it contradicts his arguments, which divide men into two classes, those who die and those who do not. See Sabatier’s note in loc. See also note below.

51. μυστήριον. See note on ch. 1 Corinthians 2:7; 1 Corinthians 4:1. Human reason unaided is of course incapable of arriving at the truth on a point like this.

πάντες οὐ κοιμηθησόμεθα. There seems little reason to doubt that the reading of our version is the true one. The others have probably arisen from the fact that St Paul and his contemporaries did sleep. But he was obviously under the impression (see 1 Thessalonians 4:17)—an impression in no way surprising, even in an inspired Apostle, when we remember Mark 13:32—that the coming of Christ would take place during his life-time, or that of some at least of those whom he addressed. Estius gives six reasons against the received reading of the Vulgate, of which two appear by themselves to be conclusive. First, that the reading ‘we shall not all be changed,’ is not suited to the words ‘in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye’ which follow; and next, that this reading is in direct contradiction to the words ‘we shall be changed’ in the next verse. To these, however, a third may be added, namely, that to read ‘we shall not be changed’ is to contradict the whole drift of the argument.

πάντες δὲ�. ‘For we who have gone to rest in faith towards Christ, and have received the earnest of the Spirit in the time of our corporeal life, shall receive the most perfect favour and shall be changed into the glory which is of God.’ Cyril of Alexandria (on John 10:10). See Philippians 3:21.

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Old Testament