παρά. Beside. Cf. Plat. Phaed. 107 A οὔκουν ἔγωγε ἔχω παρὰ ταῦτα ἄλλο τι λέγειν.

τὸν κείμενον. ‘He does not say τεθέντα, laid, but κείμενον, lying, of His own accord.’ Bp Wordsworth. There is a reference here to the prophecy in Isaiah 28:16, which is quoted and applied to Christ in 1 Peter 2:6. See also Ephesians 2:20, and Psalms 118:22, quoted and applied to Himself by Christ in Matthew 21:42. It is to be noticed that it is no doctrine about Christ, but Christ Himself that is laid as the foundation. For upon Christ every act of the Christian, every faculty the Christian possesses, nay, his very life depends. ‘Without Me,’ i. e. cut off from Me, separated from Me, ‘ye can do nothing,’ John 15:5. See also ch. 1 Corinthians 1:9, and note. ‘Without the evidence of this inward life in men, it is impossible to imagine either Christian or Church.’ Olshausen. ‘The Apostle preached Christ—Christ the Example—Christ the Life—Christ the Son of Man—Christ the Son of God—Christ risen—Christ the King of Glory.’ Robertson.

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Old Testament