15. After Ἰησοῦς [732] inserts Χριστός.

[732] 4th century. Brought to Rome about 1460. It is entered in the earliest catalogue of the Vatican Library, 1475. All three Epistles.

15. ὃς ἂν ὁμολ. Quicunque confessus fuerit (Vulgate): less well, Si quis confessus fuerit (Jerome Adv. Jovin. II. 29). This explains and confirms τοῦ κόσμου. Without any exception, Whosoever shall confess (see on 1 John 2:5) God abideth in him: but this was just what the false prophets refused to do. See on 1 John 4:2-3, and on 1 John 5:1. Comp. Ephesians 3:17.

ὁ Θεὸς … τῷ Θεῷ. The communion is of the closest kind: comp. 1 John 3:24; John 6:56; John 14:20; John 15:5. Even Apostles, who have beheld and borne witness, can have no more than this Divine fellowship, which is open to every believer. For μένει see on 1 John 2:24. Vicissim in se habitant qui continet et qui continetur. Habitas in Deo, sed ut continearis: habitat in te Deus, sed ut contineat ne cadas, quia sic de ipsa caritate apostolus ait; Caritas nunquam cadit. Quomodo cadit quem continet Deus? (Bede).

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