1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

§ 7. 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12. A Lesson in Christian Morals We pass from the first to the second half of the Letter, from _narration_ to _exhortation_ Chh. 1–3 are complete in themselves, setting forth the relations between the writers and the readers since their first acquaintance, and explaining the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:1

ΟΥΝ (WH, _margin_)—wanting in B, some dozen minn., syrpesh cop, Chr—may easily have slipped out, after the -ον of ΛΟΙΠΟΝ. The combination λοιπον ουν occurs nowhere else in the N.T. ινα καθως παρελαβετε …—ινα περισσευητε: BD*G* 17 37 73, latt vg cop syrpesh. The first of the two ινα’s is omitted as... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:2

ΟἽΔΑΤΕ ΓᾺΡ ΤΊΝΑΣ ΠΑΡΑΓΓΕΛΊΑΣ ἘΔΏΚΑΜΕΝ ὙΜΙ͂Ν. _For you know what charges we gave you_. See notes on this characteristic οἴδατε, 1 Thessalonians 1:5; 1 Thessalonians 2:1, above. Οἴδατε τὰς παραγγελίας ἅς κ.τ.λ. (cf. 1 Thessalonians 2:1; 2 Timothy 1:12; 2 Timothy 3:15; 2 Corinthians 9:2) would have mea... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:3

ΤΟΥ͂ΤΟ ΓΆΡ ἘΣΤΙΝ ΘΈΛΗΜΑ ΤΟΥ͂ ΘΕΟΥ͂, Ὁ ἉΓΙΑΣΜῸΣ ὙΜΩ͂Ν, ἈΠΈΧΕΣΘΑΙ κ.τ.λ. _For this is God’s will—(it is) your sanctification—that you abstain_ &c. The usual construction which makes ὁ ἁγιασμὸς ὑμῶν, anticipated by τοῦτο, subject of ἐστὶν θέλημα τοῦ θεοῦ, is not satisfactory: to say that “the sanctific... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:4

ΕἸΔΈΝΑΙ ἝΚΑΣΤΟΝ ὙΜΩ͂Ν ΤῸ ἙΑΥΤΟΥ͂ ΣΚΕΥ͂ΟΣ ΚΤΑ͂ΣΘΑΙ ἘΝ ἉΓΙΑΣΜΩ͂Ι ΚΑῚ ΤΙΜΗ͂Ι—the positive παραγγελία completing the negative (ἀπέχεσθαι … πορνείας)—_that each of you know how to win his own vessel in sanctification and honour_. Κτᾶσθαι always signifies _to acquire, get possession of_ (see Luke 18:12; L... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:5

ΜῊ ἘΝ ΠΆΘΕΙ ἘΠΙΘΥΜΊΑΣ ΚΑΘΆΠΕΡ ΚΑῚ ΤᾺ ἜΘΝΗ ΤᾺ ΜῊ ΕἸΔΌΤΑ ΤῸΝ ΘΕΌΝ, _not (to do this) in passion of lust, even as the Gentiles also (do), who know not God_. Ἐν πάθει ἑπιθυμίας, “in a state of lustful passion”: where the man’s action is dominated by animal desire, there is no sanctity nor honour in the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:6

ΚΥΡΙΟΣ, anarthrous, א*ABD*H 17; ο is a Syrian addition. -ΕΙΠΑΜΕΝ becomes -ειπομεν _passim_ in the T. R. These 1st, for 2nd, aorist endings, in certain verbs of common occurrence, were characteristic of the vernacular; they occur to a limited extent in the literary κοινή, and prevail in contemporary... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:7

ΗΜΑΣ is υμας in several minn., as in cop syrpesh; but in no uncial. 7. ΟΥ̓ ΓᾺΡ ἘΚΆΛΕΣΕΝ ἩΜΑ͂Σ Ὁ ΘΕῸΣ ἘΠῚ�ʼ ἘΝ ἉΓΙΑΣΜΩ͂Ι. _For God did not call us for (with a view to) uncleanness, but in sanctification_. A further reason (γάρ), put by way of explanation at the close, for chastity amongst Christians... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:8

ΔΙΔΟΝΤΑ: א*BDG, Or Ath Did. δοντα: AKL, &c., latt vg (_qui dedit_); the aorist in this connexion in 2 Corinthians 1:22; 2 Corinthians 5:5; Acts 15:8. See Expository Note. ΚΑΙ (before the partic.) wanting in ABDb, c 17 73 cattxt, cop syrpesh go, Orcat Ath, &c.; found in א*D*GKL, most minn., vg syrhc... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:9

ΕΧΟΜΕΝ (FOR ΕΧΕΤΕ) IN אCD*G 67**, latt vg syrhcl, Chr Ambrst; while B, am, Pelag read ειχομεν—probably a Western emendation, pointing to an older εχομεν. Weiss, however, and Tregellesmg prefer ειχομεν as the hardest reading, regarding εχετε as conformed to 1 Thessalonians 4:1; see Expository Note. Ε... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:10

ΤΟΥΣ (before εν ολῃ) wanting in א*AD*G, and presumably in codd. followed by latt vg, Ambrst. On the one hand, the article may have been lost by homœoteleuton after ΑΔΕΛΦΟΥΣ; or on the other, supplied (as in BHKL) by way of grammatical improvement.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:11

11. ιδιαις is supplied by א*ADCKL, &c.—an Alexandrian emendation (? harmonistic: see 1 Corinthians 4:12; Ephesians 4:28), adopted by the Syrians. WH relegate the adjective to the mg in Ephesians 4:28, where it is attested by the same chief uncials as here, with the additional support of the versions... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:12

It is especially to the last particular of the lengthened παραγγελία that the final clause, ἽΝΑ ΠΕΡΙΠΑΤΗ͂ΤΕ ΕΥ̓ΣΧΗΜΌΝΩΣ κ.τ.λ., applies: _that you may walk honourably_ (_honeste_, Vulg.; Old Eng. _honestly_) _toward those without, and have need of nothing_. Εὐσχημόνως (cf. Romans 13:13; 1 Corinthian... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:13

ΘΕΛΟΜΕΝ in all uncials, latt vg; θελω in many minn., syrr cop. ΚΟΙΜΩΜΕΝΩΝ, אAB 67** and other minn., latt vg (_dormientibus_) syrr. κεκοιμημενων is a patent Western and Syrian emendation, conformed to 1 Corinthians 15:20; it is found in DGKL, &c. See Expository Note. λυπεισθε, AD*GL, and many minn... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

§ 8. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Concerning them that fall asleep Thessalonian faith had its “deficiencies” on the doctrinal as well as the practical side (see note introductory to last section). In regard to the coming of the Lord Jesus, which filled a large place in the missionary preaching of the Ap... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:14

ΕἸ ΓᾺΡ ΠΙΣΤΕΎΟΜΕΝ ὍΤΙ ἸΗΣΟΥ͂Σ�. _For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again_: the faith of a Christian in its briefest statement (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:3 f.); the form of supposition, εἰ with pres. indicative, assumes the fact,—for writers and readers alike (_we believe_: cf. 1 Corinthians 15:1... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:15

15. For (ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΝ) ΤΟΥ ΚΥΡΙΟΥ B has του Ιησου (? taken up from 1 Thessalonians 4:14); Marcion (apud Tert5, 15), _Christi_. 15. ΤΟΥ͂ΤΟ ΓᾺΡ ὙΜΙ͂Ν ΛΈΓΟΜΕΝ ἘΝ ΛΌΓΩΙ ΚΥΡΊΟΥ. _For this we say to you, in a word of the Lord_,—i.e. in the character of a message coming from “the mouth of the Lord”: cf. 1... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:16

ΠΡΩΤΟΝ: D*G and many Fathers, πρωτοι; latt. vg, _primi_. 16. ὍΤΙ ΑΥ̓ΤῸΣ Ὁ ΚΎΡΙΟΣ ἘΝ ΚΕΛΕΎΣΜΑΤΙ, ἘΝ ΦΩΝΗ͂Ι�, ΚΑΤΑΒΉΣΕΤΑΙ�ʼ ΟΥ̓ΡΑΝΟΥ͂. _For the Lord Himself with a shout-of-command, with the archangel’s voice and with the trumpet of God, will come down from heaven_; cf. 1 Thessalonians 1:10 (and note)... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:17

For ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΙΝ, ΥΠ- D*G. For ΤΟΥ ΚΥΡΙΟΥ DB, latt vg, most Lat Fathers, read τῳ κυριῳ (_obviam domino_); D*G, with some Latins, τῳ χριστῳ. The dative may be a Latinism; but cf. Acts 28:15. Instead of ΣΥΝ B reads εν κυριῳ: “ganz gedankenlos” (Weiss).... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Thessalonians 4:18

ὭΣΤΕ ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΕΙ͂ΤΕ�. _Therefore cheer one another in these words_,—the λόγος κυρίου which 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 have communicated, and the other apostolic words accompanying it. Ὥστε with imperative, or cohortative subjunctive, is an idiom St Paul often uses at the point where argument or explanati... [ Continue Reading ]

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