διδοντα: א*BDG, Or Ath Did. δοντα: AKL, &c., latt vg (qui dedit); the aorist in this connexion in 2 Corinthians 1:22; 2 Corinthians 5:5; Acts 15:8. See Expository Note.

και (before the partic.) wanting in ABDb, c 17 73 cattxt, cop syrpesh go, Orcat Ath, &c.; found in א*D*GKL, most minn., vg syrhcl, Clem. Evidence fairly divided: the conjunction seems to be either a Western wordy insertion, or an Alexandrian severe omission. The motive for insertion is not obvious, and κ before διδοντα might easily have been overlooked: transcriptional probability favours retention.

υμας is ημας in A and many minn., two good copies of vg, syrhcl txt, and later Fathers.

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Old Testament