τὸν πρότερον is the ‘received’ reading, with D2cKL; אAD2*GP &c. have τὸ πρ.

13. τὸ πρότερον ὄντα. Although I was aforetime. Cp. Galatians 4:13 for the significance of τὸ πρότερον.

βλάσφημον καὶ διώκτην καὶ ὑβριστήν. The βλάσφημος displays his hostility to the truth chiefly in words (see Acts 24:11); the διώκτης, in deeds (see Galatians 1:13, where St Paul refers to his zeal as a persecutor). The term ὑβριστής only occurs once again in N.T., viz. Romans 1:30; it conveys the idea of violence and outrage (see Acts 8:3). It is a stronger word than either of the other two.

ἀλλὰ ἠλεήθην, ὄτι κ.τ.λ. Howbeit I obtained mercy because, &c. See Acts 3:17, and our Lord’s prayer for His executioners, Luke 23:34.

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Old Testament