διατροφάς. So אAL f; but διατροφήν is supported by D2GKP d g m and is given a place in Westcott and Hort’s margin.

8. ἔχοντες δὲ κ.τ.λ. But if we have food and raiment we shall be therewith content.

διατροφή is only found in the Greek Bible elsewhere at 1Ma 6:49, where it is in the singular. σκἑπασμα does not occur again in LXX. or N.T.; etymologically it might include shelter as well as clothing (as Philo explains, de Praem. 17, σκὲπης δὲ διττὸν εἷδος), but this would be to bring in an inappropriate idea here. Food and raiment are the two indispensable conditions of life, although the true ζωή is ‘more’ than even these (Matthew 6:25). Josephus describes the Essenes (B. J. II. 8. 5) as ζωσαμένοι σκεπάσμασι λινοις; and also uses the word σκεπάσματα unmistakably in the sense of clothing, in Ant. xv. 9. 2.

ἀρκεσθησόμεθα is not imperatival, but future, with a slightly authoritative sense. Cp. Hebrews 13:5 ἀρκούμενοι τοῖς παροῦσιν, and Clem. Rom. (§ 2.) τοῖς ἐφοδίοις τοῦ θεοῦ�.

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