1. The text of this difficult verse is in exceptional confusion, the
result of accidental mistakes and conjectural emendations. About
ΕἸΣ ὈΠΤΑΣΊΑΣ … ΚΥΡΊΟΝ there is no doubt; but in
the first half of the verse the only words about which all witnesses
agree are ΚΑΥΧΑ͂ΣΘΑΙ and ΟΥ̓ and ἘΛΕΎΣΟΜΑΙ.
Befor... [ Continue Reading ]
man in Christ fourteen years ago, … such a one caught up &c_. The
A.V. is misleading. The Apostle does not say that fourteen years ago
he _knew_ a man caught up &c.; but that he _knows_ a man who fourteen
years ago was c... [ Continue Reading ]
ΧΩΡῚΣ ΤΟΥ͂ ΣΏΜΑΤΟΣ (BD) rather than ἐκτὸς τ.
σώμ. (D2D3FGKLMP), which comes from 2 Corinthians 12:2. B omits
οὐκ οἷδα, which might come from 2 Corinthians 12:2.
3. ΚΑῚ ΟἿΔΑ Κ.Τ.Λ. _And I_ KNOW _such a man, whether in
the body or_ APART FROM _the body, I_ KNOW NOT; _God knoweth_. The use
made by Atha... [ Continue Reading ]
repetition of ἁρπάγεσθαι is somewhat in favour of the
identification of paradise with the third heaven, the καὶ before
οἶδα (2 Corinthians 12:3) is in favour of separate cases of
rapture. ‘I know a man … _and_ I know such a one’ points to two
experiences: _haec... [ Continue Reading ]
5. After ΤΑΙ͂Σ� אD3FGKLMP, f g Vulg. Aeth. Goth. add μου:
BD 17, 67, 109, d e Syrr. Copt. Arm. omit. Such insertions for
smoothness or completeness are common; comp. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10;
Ephesians 3:6; Ephesians 5:31; Philippians 4:23.
se humilitatis causa... [ Continue Reading ]
ἈΚΟΎΕΙ (אBD3FG 17, 37, 67, g Copt. Arm. Aeth.) rather than
ἀκούει τι (א3DKLP, d f Vulg. Goth.).
6. ἘᾺΝ ΓᾺΡ ΘΕΛΉΣΩ. If he chooses to glory of matters in
which he was _not_ a mere passive recipient, or of revelations which
he _has_ the right to disclose, he will not be foolish in so doing;
for he will... [ Continue Reading ]
7. WH. suspect some primitive error, but hold that the genuineness of
ΔΙΌ (אABG) is above doubt, its omission (DKLP, Iren. Aug.) being
“a characteristic Western attempt to deal with a difficulty by
excision.” To cut out καὶ τῇ ὑπερβολῇ τῶν� as
a gloss (Baljon) is a similar attempt. No witnesses omit... [ Continue Reading ]
ὙΠῈΡ ΤΟΎΤΟΥ. Not _propter quod_ (Vulgate), nor _super
quod_ (Beza); but _super hoc, sc. hoc hoste_: the τούτου is
masc. and refers to ἄγγ. Σ. This is rendered almost certain by
ἵνα�, a verb which in the N.T. is used of persons only: comp.
especially Luke 4:13; Acts 12:10, and see Chase, _The Lord’s... [ Continue Reading ]
ΔΎΝΑΜΙΣ (אABDFG, Latt. Arm. Aeth. Goth.) rather than
δύναμίς μου (א3A2D2D3KLP, Syrr. Copt.). See on 2
Corinthians 12:5. ΤΕΛΕΙ͂ΤΑΙ (אABDFG) rather than
τελειοῦται (א3D3KLP). The μου after
ἀσθενείαις should probably be omitted with B 67, 71, Pesh.
Copt. Arm., Iren. Gr. and Lat.
9. ΚΑῚ ΕἼΡΗΚΈΝ ΜΟΙ. _An... [ Continue Reading ]
10. Here also (comp. 2 Corinthians 12:5; 2 Corinthians 12:9) F, Vulg.
(but not f) insert μου after ἀσθενείαις. ἘΝ�
(א3ABCDFGKLP &c.) rather than καὶ� (א, Orig.), but perhaps
ΚΑῚ ΣΤΕΝΟΧΩΡΊΑΙΣ (Bא1) rather than ἐν στ.
(א3DFGKLP, Latt.). Origen’s evidence is divided: 74, a Arm. have
καὶ ἐν στεν. A omit... [ Continue Reading ]
ἌΦΡΩΝ (אABDFGK, Latt. Copt. Aeth. Arm.) rather than ἄφρων
καυχώμενος (LP, Syrr. Goth.), which Rec. adopts.
11. The Apostle pauses and looks back at what he has been saying in
this most distasteful contest with his opponents, as to whether they
or he had better reasons for glorying. He had begged th... [ Continue Reading ]
ΚΑΤΕΙΡΓΆΣΘΗ (אAB3KL) rather than κατηργάσθη
(BFG) or κατηργάσθην (D). Comp. 2 Corinthians 7:11. But see
WH. App. p. 161. ΣΗΜΕΊΟΙΣ (א1AD 71, 80, d Pesh. Arm. Goth.)
rather than σημείοις (D3KLP, Vulg.) or καὶ
σημείοις (FG, Chrys.) or τε σημείοις (א3) or
σημείοις τε (Bא 17): but the last may be right.... [ Continue Reading ]
ἩΣΣΏΘΗΤΕ (אBD), after the analogy of ἐλασσόω, rather
than ἡττήθητε (א3AD2D3KLP), from ἡττάω.
13. The Corinthians had had the distinction of these miracles and
supernatural gifts; and in nothing had any Church been more honoured.
In nothing,—with one possible exception: he had never taken from
them... [ Continue Reading ]
ΤΡΊΤΟΝ ΤΟΥ͂ΤΟ (אABFG, Syrr. Latt. Aeth.) rather than
τοῦτο τρίτον (D, Copt. Arm.) or τρίτον (KLP). The
evidence for τοῦτο, which Rec. omits, is overwhelming. But
ΚΑΤΑΝΑΡΚΉΣΩ (AB 17, 67, 71, 73, 80, Aeth.) rather than
κατ. ὑμῶν (D2D3KL, Latt.), which Rec. adopts, or κατ.
ὑμᾶς (DFG).
14. ἸΔΟῪ ΤΡΊΤΟΝ Τ... [ Continue Reading ]
14–18. He changes from irony to affectionate earnestness, telling
them that he must continue the ἀδικία of working for nothing,
and explaining why this must be so. It is still quite evident that he
is addressing the whole Corinthian Church. See note on 2 Corinthians
11:2.... [ Continue Reading ]
15. εἰ (אABFG 17, Copt.) rather than εἰ καί (א3D2D3KLP, f
Vulg. Syrr. Arm. Aeth.): D, d g omit both εἰ and καί. Perhaps
ἈΓΑΠΩ͂ (אA 17, Copt.) rather than ἀγαπῶν (א3BDFGKLP,
Latt.). See notes _ad loc_. Both here and 1 Corinthians 11:17
ἯΣΣΟΝ (אABD) rather than ἧττον (D3KL) or ἔλασσον
(FG). But in Rom... [ Continue Reading ]
ἜΣΤΩ ΔΈ. _But be it so_. ‘You will say, We grant all that: we
admit that you did not yourself take money from us, but you were
cunning enough to get it out of us through others.’ This use of
ἔστω is not found elsewhere in the N.T. In Plato’s dialogues we
sometimes have ἔστω, when one side grants wha... [ Continue Reading ]
17. _Did_ _I_ BY MEANS OF ANY ONE OF THOSE _whom_ _I_ HAVE _sent unto
you_, TAKE ADVANTAGE (2 Corinthians 2:11; 2 Corinthians 12:2; 1
Thessalonians 4:6) _of you_, by getting money out of you? The
ἀπέσταλκα, as distinct from πέπομφα, implies the
sending on a permanent _mission_.... [ Continue Reading ]
17, 18. By a series of rapid questions (comp. 2 Corinthians 6:14-16; 2
Corinthians 11:22) he shows how baseless the insinuation is. In his
eager refutation of the slander he breaks the construction, and leaves
the opening τινα without a verb to govern it.... [ Continue Reading ]
ΠΑΡΕΚΆΛΕΣΑ ΤΊΤΟΝ. _I_ EXHORTED _Titus, and I sent with
him_ THE (see on 2 Corinthians 2:16) _brother_. This cannot refer to
the mission of Titus alluded to in 2 Corinthians 2:13; 2 Corinthians
7:6; 2 Corinthians 7:13; nor to the one mentioned in 2 Corinthians
8:6; 2 Corinthians 8:17-18;... [ Continue Reading ]
ΠΆΛΑΙ (אABFG, Latt.) rather than πάλιν (א3DKLP, g Syrr.
Copt. Arm. Goth.), which Rec. adopts: also ΚΑΤΈΝΑΝΤΙ (אABFG)
rather than κατενώπιον (DKLP), which Rec. adopts.
19. ΠΆΛΑΙ ΔΟΚΕΙ͂ΤΕ ὍΤΙ ὙΜΙ͂Ν�; See critical
MAKING MY DEFENCE? Almos... [ Continue Reading ]
19–21. He is not on his defence before the Corinthians: to God alone
is he responsible. But all he says is for the good of the Corinthians,
that a thorough reformation may take place before he comes.... [ Continue Reading ]
ἜΡΙΣ (אA, 17, 39, d f g Arm., Chrys.) rather than ἔρεις
(BDFGKLP, Vulg. Copt.): also ζῆλος (ABDFG 17, 39, Arm.) rather
than ζῆλοι (אD2D3KLP, Latt.). In Galatians 5:20 the balance is
decidedly for ἔρις, ζῆλος against ἔρις, ζῆλοι.
MSS. are capricious in the spelling of ἐριθεία: AB have both
ἐρειθία a... [ Continue Reading ]
ἘΛΘΌΝΤΟΣ ΜΟΥ (אABFGP 39, 93) rather than ἐλθόντα
με (א3DKL); and perhaps also ΤΑΠΕΙΝΏΣΗΙ ΜΕ (אA) rather
than ταπεινώσει με (BDFGP) or ταπεινώσῃ (K) or
ταπεινώσει (D3L). But _both_ ἐλθόντα με and
ταπεινώσῃ look like grammatical corrections. Rec. adopts
2 Corinthians 12:1-10. GLORYING ABOUT A R... [ Continue Reading ]