For τῷ Κορνηλίῳ read αὐτῷ with אABCE. Vulg. ‘qui loquebatur illi.’

Omit αὐτοῦ after οἰκετῶν, with אABCE.

7. ὡς δὲ�.τ.λ., and when he was departed. The reality (see φανερῶς in Acts 10:3) of the angelic presence is strongly marked by this language, which speaks of his going away just as if he had been any human visitor.

τῶν προσκαρτερούντων αὐτῷ, of those that attended on him. So of the judges in the History of Susanna (Acts 10:7), οὗτοι προσεκαρτέρουν ἐν τῇ οἰκίᾳ Ἰωακείμ, ‘These kept much at Joachim’s house,’ where ‘keep’ is in the sense still common in the Universities and elsewhere, of ‘live,’ ‘abide,’ ‘dwell.’ So here the soldier was attached to the personal service of Cornelius. Compare that other centurion’s retinue (Luke 7:8) where the master says to one ‘Go,’ and his order is at once obeyed.

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Old Testament