μὴ εὑρών. It is difficult to imagine any more literal statement than these words, and there can be no distinction in such a sentence between μὴ and οὐ.

ἐκέλευσεν�, commanded that they should be put to death. This is the A.V., and gives the sense better than the literal rendering ‘commanded that they should be led forth.’ This ‘leading forth’ was the prelude to execution. The verb ἀπάγειν is frequent in the accounts of the trial and Crucifixion of Jesus in the Gospels.

κατελθὼν … εἰς Καισάρειαν διέτριβεν. The preposition goes with κατελθών; he came down to Cæsarea and abode there. By Caligula there had been conferred on Herod Agrippa the tetrarchies of Herod Philip and Lysanias mentioned Luke 3:1. He afterwards received the tetrarchy of Antipas, and was honoured with the title of king. He therefore, and not a Roman governor, was in power at Cæsarea at this date, for Josephus tells us (Ant. XX. 8. 2) that he had received from Claudius, Judæa and Samaria in addition to the districts over which he had ruled under Caligula.

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Old Testament