ἐπλήσθησαν ζήλου, they were filled with jealousy. That spirit of exclusion, which was so engrafted in the Jewish race, asserted itself as soon as they saw the Gentiles gathered to hear the Apostles. The teaching of men who would admit all mankind to the same privileges was abhorrent to them. For themselves and for proselytes they could accept a message as God-sent, and tolerate some modifications in their teaching and practice, but they could not endure that the Gentiles should be made equal with God’s ancient people.

ἀντιλέγοντες καὶ βλασφημοῦντες, contradicting and blaspheming. Cf. the singular conduct of the Jews at Corinth under like circumstances (Acts 18:6). There is considerable authority for omitting ἀντιλέγοντες καὶ here. It may be that they fell out because of the previous ἀντέλεγον in the verse. The sense seems better conveyed by their retention. They contradicted and, in doing so, became blasphemers.

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Old Testament