συνιδόντες, they being ware of it. The Apostles were not without friends among the people, and of the party which sided with them there would be some who could get information about any attack which was being planned against them. It is to be noticed that throughout the history there is no attempt to exaggerate the sufferings of the Christian teachers. Here was a narrow escape from stoning, and as such it is recorded with no more expansion than is absolutely unavoidable.

κατέφυγον … καὶ τὴν περίχωρον, fled unto the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra and Derbe, and unto the region round about. From the violence of a mob excited by the Jews they fled into a wilder region where were few or no Jews, and the cities are enumerated in the order in which they were visited, while some to which they went are unnamed but included in the general term ‘the region round about.’ The flight of the Apostles is exactly in accord with Christ’s injunction (Matthew 10:23).

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Old Testament