Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary
Acts 15:6-12
ACTS 15:6 presbu,teroi {A} After presbu,teroi 614 1799 2412 syrh add the words su.n tw|/ plh,qei (“with the congregation”). The gloss was probably suggested by verses...
Verse Acts 15:6. _THE APOSTLES AND ELDERS CAME TOGETHER_] This was the first council ever held in the Christian Church; and we find that it was composed of the _apostles_ and _elders_ simply....
AND THE APOSTLES AND ELDERS ... - They came together in accordance with the authority in Matthew 18:19. It would seem, also, that the whole church was convened on this occasion, and that the church co...
CHAPTER 15 _ 1. The false teachers from Judea. Paul and Barnabas sent to Jerusalem (Acts 15:1)._ 2. The Council in Jerusalem (Acts 15:6). 3. The Result made known (Acts 15:22). 4. The Consolation b...
THE DELIBERATION. The meeting is a public one (see Acts 15:12 and Acts 15:22). In Galatians 2 Paul says he laid his manner of preaching before those of reputation, in private. Peter comes forward (D s...
The apostles and elders met together to investigate this question. After a great deal of discussion Peter stood up and said, "Brethren, you know that in the early days God made his choice among us, so...
THE CRUCIAL PROBLEM (Acts 15:1-5) The influx of Gentiles into the Church produced a problem which had to be solved. The mental background of the Jew was founded on the fact that he belonged to the ch...
CAME TOGETHER. were gathered together FOR. Omit. CONSIDER. see. Greek. _eidon._ App-133. OF. concerning. Greek. _peri._ App-104. MATTER. Greek. _logos._ App-121....
The Council at Jerusalem; the debate and the speech of Peter. Narration of the work of Barnabas and Paul 6. _And the apostles and elders came_( WERE GATHERED) _together_ These words refer to a formal...
_AN ACCOUNT OF THE DISCUSSION ACTS 15:6-21:_ The church, with the apostles and elders, came together to discuss this problem concerning the Gentiles and the Law. Peter said that "God made choice among...
ΣΥΝΉΧΘΗΣΑΝ _aor. ind. pass. от_ ΣΥΝΆΓΩ (G4863) собирать вместе, созывать, ΊΔΕΪ́Ν _aor. act. inf. от_ ΌΡΆΩ (G3708) видеть, исследовать и оценивать (Schille). _Inf._ цели....
THE ELDERS AND APOSTLES MEET TO SETTLE THE DISPUTE. Acts 15:6-29 a. Peter's speech. Acts 15:6-11. Acts 15:6 And the apostles and the elders were gathered together to consider of this matter....
6. After the Pharisees had stated their position, distinctly affirming that the Gentiles should be circumcised and keep the law, it seems that the assembly adjourned to meet up again at another hour....
And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter. AND THE APOSTLES AND ELDERS CAME TOGETHER - not, however, without "the church," as appears from ; Acts 15:22. FOR TO CONS...
21 The report in Antioch that God _ had opened the door of faith to the nations _ sums up Paul's first missionary journey. This is given out as something new, unknown before. It is evident that Antioc...
THE QUESTION OF CIRCUMCISION 1-35. The Council of Jerusalem, 49 a.d. The usual view is that Galatians 2:1 describes the visit of St. Paul to Jerusalem on the occasion of this Council. Adopting this, t...
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 15 AN IMPORTANT MEETING IN *JERUSALEM, 15:1-21 V1 Some men came from *Judea to Antioch. They were teaching the *believers like this. ‘You must...
AND THE APOSTLES AND ELDERS CAME TOGETHER. — The meeting rightly takes its place as the first in the long series of councils, or synods, which mark the course of the Church’s history. It bore its witn...
λόγου : “de causâ quæ in disceptationem venit” (Blass), _cf._ Acts 8:21; Acts 19:38. The Ecclesia at large was in some manner also present at this final assembly, _cf._ Acts 15:12;...
ONE WAY OF SALVATION FOR ALL Acts 15:1-11 Paul and Barnabas were quietly resting in Antioch after their arduous toils, when these persons from Jerusalem stealthily commenced to undermine their influe...
In the work among Gentiles the question of circumcision very naturally arose, and its difficulty is revealed in the calling of a council. That council seems to have opened with much desultory discussi...
Resolving Conflict The matter was placed before the apostles and elders to be considered. Quite a discussion followed. Though Peter's actions were not always commendable, as when he dissembled in Anti...
A Great Multitude In Iconium Believed When Paul and Barnabas arrived in Iconium, they immediately went to the synagogue and seized upon an opportunity to preach. Though no record is left of their exac...
(3) And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter. (3) The matter is first handled, both parts being heard, in the assembly of the apostles and elders, and after is communi...
Peter certifies before the council that this question had been settled by the heavenly vision at Joppa and the descension of the Holy Ghost on the Gentiles at Caesarea, seven years ago, none of whom h...
And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter. (7) And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while...
We now enter on the missionary journeys, as they are called, of the apostle Paul. The work, under the Spirit, opens to the glory of the Lord. Not merely are Gentiles met in grace and brought into the...
− 6._The apostles and elders met together. _Luke saith, not that all the whole Church was gathered together, but those who did excel in doctrine and judgment, and those who, according to their office,...
Chapter 15 contains the account of this. Certain persons come from Jerusalem, where all was still going on in connection with the requirements of the law; and they seek to impose these requirements on...
AND THE APOSTLES AND ELDERS CAME TOGETHER,.... And also the brethren, or private members of the church, even the whole church, as appears from Acts 15:22. Whether all the apostles were here present, i...
And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter. Ver. 6. _And the apostles and elders, &c._] This was the first Christian council. The four following general councils, _a_ Gr...
_And the apostles, &c., came together to consider of this matter_ As the apostles commonly resided at Jerusalem, the greater part of them may have come together on this occasion; and the elders likewi...
The demand of the former Pharisees and Peter's answer:...
However, here at Antioch a matter arose of deeply serious significance, and it was clearly God's wisdom to have Paul and Barnabas there at the time. Men from Judea, professing the knowledge of Christ,...
NOW THE APOSTLES AND ELDERS CAME TOGETHER TO CONSIDER THIS MATTER. 1. The apostles, elders, many brethren assembled to have an orderly discussion of the issues, doctrines and opinions. 2. They were...
"The apostles and the elders came together to look into this matter": Carefully note that this meeting is not concluded to figure out what they were going to believe, neither is the church voting on w...
1-6 Some from Judea taught the Gentile converts at Antioch, that they could not be saved, unless they observed the whole ceremonial law as given by Moses; and thus they sought to destroy Christian li...
THE APOSTLES AND ELDERS, unto whom Paul and Barnabas were sent about the decision of this question, ACTS 15:2, CAME TOGETHER FOR TO CONSIDER OF THIS MATTER; they had been informed of it, and now they...
6. After the Pharisees had stated their position, distinctly affirming that the Gentiles should be circumcised and keep the law, it seems that the assembly adjourned to meet up again at another hour....
Acts 15:6 Now G1161 apostles G652 and G2532 elders G4245 together G4863 (G5681) consider G1492 (G5629)...
‘And the apostles and the elders were gathered together to consider of this matter.' It was right that these matters be brought up because that was why the Apostles and elders had gathered together t...
Acts 15:6. AND THE APOSTLES AND ELDERS CAME TOGETHER FOR TO CONSIDER OF THIS MATTER. Some seventeen or eighteen years had passed since the ascension of Jesus. Of the twelve apostles, one we know had g...
WERE GATHERED TOGETHER (συνηχθησαν). First aorist (effective) passive indicative. The church is not named here as in verse Acts 15:4, but we know from verses Acts 15:12-22 that the whole church cam...
CONTENTS: The council at Jerusalem and the question of circumcision. Paul's second missionary journey. Silas chosen. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Moses, Paul, Barnabas, apostles, elders, Phar...
Acts 15:1. _Certain men which came down from Judea._ Epiphanius says, Cerinthus the heretic was one of the principals in this dissension. But they were, no doubt, of the devil's sending, to disquiet t...
THE APOSTLES AND THE ELDERS MET TOGETHER. _W. M. Ramsay_ gives 49 A.D. as the date of this. [_Johnson_ gives 51 A.D.] The Twelve had been reduced by one (Acts 12:2). James, the Lord's brother, was a c...
_They therefore, being brought on their way._ WORKING ON THE ROAD 1. For a little time the noise of controversy ceases. Paul and Barnabas might have taken a much shorter way to Jerusalem; but Paul, l...
_And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised … ye cannot be saved._ DISTURBERS OF THE CHURCH I. Certain men came down from Judea. 1. Probably...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 15:6 Peter defended Paul’s Gentile mission. ⇐ ⇔...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 15:1 The Jerusalem Council. A conference was held in Jerusalem (c. A.D. 48 or 49) to discuss conditions for Gentile membership in the church. The “Pharisaic” group in the Jerusalem c...
_HOMILETICAL ANALYSIS_.—_Acts 15:6_ The Council at Jerusalem; or, the Circumcision Controversy Settled I. THE COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL.— 1. The _apostles_. The twelve; Paul not yet included in the...
EXPOSITION ACTS 15:1 _Came down … and taught _for _which came down_ …_ taught, _A.V.; _saying _for _and said, _A.V._; custom _(ἔθος) for _manner, _A.V. EXCEPT YE BE CIRCUMCISED, etc. The question t...
And certain men which came down from Judea [to the church in Antioch] taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved (Acts 15:1). Unfortunately,...
Acts 15:25; Acts 21:18; Acts 6:2; Hebrews 13:17; Hebrews 13:7;...