29. ἐξὸν εἰπεῖν. Here ἔστι is the verb to be supplied. Render ‘It is allowed me = I may freely say unto you concerning the patriarch David that he both died and was buried.’ Here St Peter begins his argument with a statement which none of them will gainsay. St Paul makes use of the selfsame argument (Acts 13:36) ‘David after he had served his own generation … fell on sleep and was laid unto his fathers.’

τὸ μνῆμα. The existence of the sepulchre is evidence that David did not rise again. The sepulchre of the House of David was a famous object in the Holy City. Among the marvels of Jerusalem mentioned in the Aboth de-Rabbi Nathan (c. 35), we are told, ‘There are no graves made in Jerusalem except the tombs of the House of David and of Huldah the Prophetess, which have been there from the days of the first prophets.’

On the burial of David in Zion, cp. 1 Kings 2:10 with 2 Samuel 5:7.

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Old Testament