αὐτοὶ γινώσκετε, ye yourselves know. The working in company with Aquila and Priscilla, which the Apostle began in Corinth, was probably continued when they came together to Ephesus, and so the Apostle’s trade and his steady pursuit of it would be well known to many of the listeners. It has been suggested that he was a partner in trade-matters with Philemon during this residence at Ephesus. Cf. Philemon 1:17.

τοῖς οὖσιν μετ' ἐμοῦ, to them that were with me. We cannot determine under what circumstances the Apostle felt himself called upon to minister by his hand-labour to the support of his companions. We may be sure however that the necessity was there, and that St Paul, working himself, did not countenance indolence in others. And when we read of Timothy’s ‘often infirmities’ (1 Timothy 5:23) we may conjecture that there were those among the companions of St Paul who were less able to work with the hands than the Apostle himself.

αἱ χεῖρες αὗται, these hands. No doubt, he held them forth, and they bore marks that not only while at Ephesus, but since that time they had laboured for the means of living.

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Old Testament