Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary
Acts 28:11-16
Verse Acts 28:11. _AFTER THREE MONTHS_] Supposing that they had reached Malta about the end of _October_, as we have already seen, then it appears that they left it about the end of _January_, or the...
AND AFTER THREE MONTHS - Probably they remained there so long because there was no favorable opportunity for them to go to Rome. If they arrived there, as is commonly supposed, in October, they left f...
CHAPTER 28 _ 1. In the Island of Melita (Acts 28:1)._ 2. The arrival in Rome (Acts 28:11). 3. Paul calling the chief of the Jews and his message (Acts 28:17). Melita, which means “honey,” is the is...
JOURNEY FROM MALTA TO ROME.Three months brings us to the middle of February, which is before the opening of navigation. They had doubtless seen the _Dioscuri,_ Heavenly Twins, a ship like that in whic...
WELCOME AT MALTA (Acts 28:1-6)...
After three months we set sail on an Alexandrian ship which had wintered in the island, the figure-head of which was The Heavenly Twins. We landed at Syracuse and stayed there for three days. From the...
SHIP OF ALEXANDRIA. Another corn ship. WINTERED. Greek. _paracheimazo._ See Acts 27:12. WHOSE SIGN, &C. = with sign the Dioscuri. SIGN. Greek. _parasemos._ Only here. Literally signed or marked. CA...
The voyage from Malta and the arrival in Rome 11. _And after three months_ The proper season for sailing having again come round, now that the winter was over. _we departed_ [_R. V._set sail]. The v...
_PAUL FINALLY REACHED ROME ACTS 28:11-16:_ They were on the Island for three months. They departed for Italy on a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered there, whose sign was Castor and Pollux “The Tw...
ΜΕΤΆ ΔΕ ΤΡΕΙΣ ΜΉΝΑΣ и через три месяца. Вероятно, это было начало февраля, и команда захотела выйти в море сразу, как только поднимется благоприятный весенний ветер, чтобы они могли добраться до Остии...
WHOSE SIGN WAS CASTOR AND POLLUX.— It was the custom of the ancients to have _images_ on their ships, both at the head and stern; the first of which was called the _sign_ from whence the ship was name...
AT SYRACUSE. Acts 28:11-12. Acts 28:11 And after three months we set sail in a ship of Alexandria which had wintered in the island, whose sign was The Twin Brothers. Acts 28:12 And touching at Syra...
11-14. (11) "_Now after three months we set sail in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the island, whose emblem was Castor and Pollux._ (12) _And landing at Syracuse, we remained there three...
And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux. And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria (see the note...
9 Three months busy with blessing thus came out of the catastrophe. Had the ship wintered in Cnidus, as they had wished, or at Ideal Harbors, as Paul proposed, the ship and cargo might indeed have bee...
AFTER THREE MONTHS] i.e. probably somewhat early in February, before the usual time of navigation. CASTOR AND POLLUX] (lit. 'the Dioscuri'), the twin sons of Jupiter, and tutelary deities of sailors....
ST. PAUL IN JERUSALEM (CHS 21:17-28:16) 17-40. Disturbances in the Temple. St Paul arrested....
ST. PAUL A PRISONER AT ROME 1. They.. they] RV 'we.. we.' MELITA] RM 'Melitene.' Melita is certainly Malta, and not (as has been erroneously supposed) Meleda off the Illyrian coast. Tradition correct...
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 28 ON THE ISLAND CALLED MALTA, 28:1-10 V1 We arrived on the shore. We discovered that the island was called Malta. V2 The people who lived ther...
AFTER THREE MONTHS. — The date may be approximately fixed. The Fast, falling on the 10th of Tisri, which has been calculated as falling in that year on September 24th, was passed, we are not told how...
τρεῖς μῆνας : no account is given of St. Paul's doings in Malta, or of his preaching or founding a Church, but the writer's interest is centred on the Apostle's journey to Rome, and what immediately c...
STILL SEEKING HIS OWN KINSMEN Acts 28:11 Paul went toward Rome, as we have seen, under very different circumstances from those that he originally anticipated; but, after all, they gave him the greate...
On land new perils threatened. While gathering sticks for a fire, a viper fastened on the apostle's hand. Shaking it off, he was unharmed. This convinced those who watched that he was divine, and they...
Paul's Completes His Journey to Rome! They set sail aboard another Alexandrian ship after three months, likely after the worst of the winter storms were over. Their first stop was at Syracuse, then Rh...
(7) And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose (d) sign was Castor and Pollux. (7) Idols do not defile the saints, who do in no way give consent...
And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux. (12) And landing at Syracuse, we tarried there three days. (13) And from t...
The closing Chapter s from 21 to the end of the book are devoted to an episode full of interest and profit Paul's course from Jerusalem to Rome. And here we find ourselves in an atmosphere considerabl...
− 11._In a ship of Alexandria. _By these words, Luke giveth us to understand, that the former ship was either drowned, or else so rent and beaten, that it served for no use afterward; whereby the grea...
At Melita we find him again exercising his accustomed power among that barbarous people. One sees that God is with him. Evangelisation does not, however, appear in the account of his sojourn there, or...
AND AFTER THREE MONTHS WE DEPARTED,.... From Melita; here they stayed the three winter months, which were unseasonable for navigation; but now the spring coming on, and the weather agreeable, they lef...
And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux. Ver. 11. _Whose sign was Castor and Pollux_] Seamen say that if these two...
_And after three months_ The three winter months, which time Paul doubtless improved, as a true labourer in the Lord's vineyard. _We departed in a ship of Alexandria, whose sign was Castor and Pollux_...
WHOSE SIGN WAS CASTOR AND POLLUX; having on its prow painted or carved figures of Castor and Pollux, two heathen divinities, who were supposed to watch over sailors....
From Melita to Rome:...
Very soon contacting inhabitants, they found that the island was called Melita, present day Malta. The people are called "barbarous," which only means they were not Greek or Jewish -- not the cultured...
"At the end of three months" These were probably the winter months when all sailing ceased. Pliny the Elder says that navigation begins to be resumed when the west winds start to blow on February 8th,...
11-16 The common events of travelling are seldom worthy of being told; but the comfort of communion with the saints, and kindness shown by friends, deserve particular mention. The Christians at Rome...
These THREE MONTHS that St. Paul staid at Malta, he spent like a true labourer in the Lord's vineyard, planting a church that was famous for its stedfastness in the truth. HAD WINTERED IN THE ISLE; it...
11-14. (11) "_ Now after three months we set sail in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the island, whose emblem was Castor and Pollux._ (12) _And landing at Syracuse, we remained there three...
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III and the signs of the ships, and how they made shipwreck;[237]...
Acts 28:11 G1161 After G3326 three G5140 months G3376 sailed G321 (G5681) in G1722 Alexandrian G222 ship...
‘And after three months we set sail in a ship of Alexandria which had wintered in the island, whose figurehead was ‘The Sons of Zeus' (The Twin Brothers). And touching at Syracuse, we tarried there th...
_Voyage from Malta to Puteoli,_ 11-14. Acts 28:11. AFTER THREE MONTHS. Probably it was now February. The earliest opportunity which the weather permitted would be taken. This is one of the indication...
WHICH HAD WINTERED (παρακεχειμακοτ). Perfect active participle of παραχειμαζω, to pass the winter. Old verb, in N.T. only Acts 27:12; Acts 28:11; 1 Corinthians 16:6;...
Acts 28:1. _And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. And the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, bec...
CONTENTS: The landing at Melita. Miracle of the viper's bite. Healing of Publius' father. Paul's arrival at Rome and his ministry there to the Jews. Paul turns to the Gentiles. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Hol...
Acts 28:1. _Melita,_ now Malta. This island seems to have been inhabited by runaways, for _melim,_ in the language of Carthage, is to escape. It was inhabited by a colony of refugees from Carthage, a...
AFTER THREE MONTHS. This would be either February or March. The worst weather would be over. THE Twin GODS. This is the literal translation. Castor and Pollux were known as "The Twin Gods," and were f...
_And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria._ THE JOURNEY TO ROME 1. After a delay of three months--_i.e._, when winter was past and spring approaching--the party put to sea again. Ca...
_In the same quarters were possessions of the chief man of the island, whose name was Publius._ PUBLIUS Here is-- I. An obscure man made famous. History says nothing about Publius. As far as the Rom...
_And when they were escaped then they knew._ TOMORROW, A REVEALER A great many things are clearer today than they were last night. Tomorrow will clear up some of the mysteries of today. Weird shapes...
THE TWIN BROTHERS After three months we set sail in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the island, whose sign was The Twin Brothers. Acts 28:11. Ships in ancient times had, as a rule, two f...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 28:11 AFTER THREE MONTHS probably indicates March (c. A.D. 60). It was now safe to navigate the Mediterranean. The SHIP OF ALEXANDRIA was likely a grain ship. Castor and Pollux, the...
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 28:11. AFTER THREE MONTHS.—The departure from Malta took place in the following spring, probably towards the end of January—and once more in an Alexandrian ship (compare Acts 2...
EXPOSITION ACTS 28:1 We for _they, _A.V. and T.R. (twice). WAS CALLED. It reads as if it was the answer to their question to the natives, "What is this island called?" MELITA. That Melita is the isla...
Tonight we'd like to just go through the twenty-eighth chapter of Acts and finish this book so that next Sunday night we move into the first two Chapter s of Romans. That's your reading assignment for...
1 Corinthians 8:4; Acts 27:6; Acts 6:9; Isaiah 45:20; Jonah 1:16;...
Sign. Answering to the ship's name in modern times. It was the image of a God, a man, a beast, or of some other object, sculptured or painted on the prow. The figure of the guardian deity was affixed...
Whose sign was — It was the custom of the ancients to have images on the head of their ships, from which they took their names. Castor and Pollux — Two heathen gods who were thought favourable to mari...
Observe here, 1. That St. Paul at the command of God, though shipwrecked before, yet puts forth to sea again.. clear call from God, will carry on. Christian cheerfully to grapple with all imaginary di...