ζηλώσαντες, moved with envy. The same word is used (Acts 17:5) of the hostile feelings of the Jews at Thessalonica against Paul and Silas. In the history (Genesis 37:4), it is said in the LXX. οἱ�, but below in Acts 7:11, ἐζήλωσαν αὐτόν.

ἀπέδοντο, they sold. The same word in LXX. Genesis 37:28.

καὶ ἧν ὁ θεὸς μετ' αὐτοῦ, and God was with him. The statement (with κύριος for ὁ θεὸς) is thrice repeated Genesis 39:2; Genesis 39:21; Genesis 39:23, and is used by Stephen to give point to his argument that God’s presence is not circumscribed, and so His worship should not be tied to a special place.

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Old Testament