Acts 8:1

ἘΓΈΝΕΤΟ ΔῈ ἘΝ ἘΚΕΊΝΗΙ ΤΗ͂Ι ἩΜΈΡΑΙ, _and there arose on that day_, &c. The persecution was in immediate succession to the death of Stephen. Having once proceeded to such a length, the rage of the people turned upon the whole Christian body. ἘΠῚ ΤῊΝ ἘΚΚΛΗΣΊΑΝ, _against the Church_, i.e. the congregat... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:2

ἘΠΟΊΗΣΑΝ with אABCD. 2. ΣΥΝΕΚΌΜΙΣΑΝ, _they carried to burial_. The verb is found in classical Greek for ‘to help in burying,’ cf. Soph. _Ajax_, 1048 τόνδε τὸν νεκρὸν … μὴ συγκομίζειν; also Thuc. VI. 71 συγκομίσαντες δὲ τοὺς ἐαυτῶν νεκρούς, ‘having carried forth their own dead,’ where the corpses ho... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:3

ἘΛΥΜΑΊΝΕΤΟ, _he made havock of_. His own words (Acts 22:4) are ‘I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women.’ For the verb cf. LXX. Psalms 79:13 ἐλυμήνατο αὐτὴν σῦς ἐκ δρυμοῦ, of the rage and ravages of a wild beast. ΚΑΤᾺ ΤΟῪΣ ΟἼΚΟΥΣ ΕἸΣΠΟΡΕΥΌΜΕΝΟΣ,... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:4

ΔΙΗ͂ΛΘΟΝ, _went about_. This was the effect on the whole body. The history turns at once to a single instance of the dispersion, and describes its results.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:5

ΦΊΛΙΠΠΟΣ ΔΈ, _But Philip_. He is the second named in the list of the seven deacons (Acts 6:5). He is only mentioned in this chapter and Acts 21:8, where he is called Philip the Evangelist. ΕἸΣ ΤῊΝ ΠΌΛΙΝ, _into the city_, i.e. the capital city of the district of Samaria. It was at this time called _... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:6

ΠΡΟΣΕΙ͂ΧΟΝ ΔῈ ΟἹ ὌΧΛΟΙ, _and the multitudes gave heed_. We know from John 4:25; John 4:29; John 4:42, that some among the Samaritans were looking for the advent of the Messiah. The field had been already in some degree prepared for Philip’s labours: hence the abundant fruit. τὸν νοῦν must be mental... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:7

ΠΟΛΛΟῚ for πολλῶν with אABCE. 7. ΠΟΛΛΟῚ ΓᾺΡ Κ.Τ.Λ., _for many of those which had unclean spirits that cried with a loud voice came forth_. This reading is confirmed by the _Vulg_. ‘multi enim eorum qui habebant spiritus immundos clamantes voce magna exibant.’ But accepting the reading we see that t... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:9

ΣΊΜΩΝ. From the verb μαγεύω used in describing the arts of Simon, he is usually spoken of as Simon _Magus_, i.e. the sorcerer or magician. According to Justin Martyr (_Apol_. I. 26) he was born at Gitton, a village of Samaria. The history which is given of him after the events mentioned in this chap... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:10

Ἡ ΚΑΛΟΥΜΈΝΗ ΜΕΓΆΛΗ, with אABCDE. _Vulg_. has ‘quæ vocatur magna.’ 10. ἈΠῸ ΜΙΚΡΟΥ͂ ἝΩΣ ΜΕΓΆΛΟΥ, _from the least to the greatest_, i.e. one and all. The expression is common in the LXX. Thus God smites the people of Gath (1 Samuel 5:9) ἀπὸ μικροῦ ἕως μεγάλου, ‘both small and great’ (A.V.). So 1 Samue... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:11

ἹΚΑΝΩ͂Ι ΧΡΌΝΩΙ, _for a long time_. For the dative similarly used of a space of time, see Acts 13:20. Simon’s birthplace was in Samaria, and it is most probable that he had lived there a great part of his life. Tradition (_Clement. Hom._ II. 22) makes him to have been educated in Alexandria, but he i... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:12

ΕΥ̓ΑΓΓΕΛΙΖΟΜΈΝΩΙ ΠΕΡῚ ΤΗ͂Σ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΊΑΣ Κ.Τ.Λ., _preaching concerning the kingdom of God_. Christ had prepared the Apostles for this work during the forty days after the resurrection (Acts 1:3) by the things which He spake unto them about the kingdom which was to be begun. ΚΑῚ ΤΟΥ͂ ὈΝΌΜΑΤΟΣ ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ ΧΡΙ... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:13

Ὁ ΔῈ ΣΊΜΩΝ … ἘΠΊΣΤΕΥΣΕΝ, _and Simon himself believed also_. We can see from the history which follows that the belief here described was of a very imperfect nature. It perhaps amounted to no more than the conviction that in Philip was some power greater than his own. We have an example of a like imp... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:14

ΟἹ ἘΝ ἹΕΡΟΣΟΛΎΜΟΙΣ�, _the Apostles which were at Jerusalem_, the whole Twelve still abiding there, as noted in Acts 8:1, and evidently all taking their part in the administration of the affairs of the Church, though it does not fall within St Luke’s purpose to notice what each did or said. ὍΤΙ ΔΈΔΕΚ... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:15

ΚΑΤΑΒΆΝΤΕΣ, _when they were come down_. Used often of leaving Jerusalem, the centre of all religious life, to go into other parts. So the contrary verb ἀναβαίνειν is employed (Luke 2:42) to describe the journey to the Holy City. ὍΠΩΣ ΛΆΒΩΣΙ, _that they might receive_. The subjunctive mood comes aft... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:16

ὙΠΗ͂ΡΧΟΝ. This verb seems to be used with somewhat of its original force = ‘to make a beginning.’ These men had taken one step, and had been baptized and thus admitted into the community. ΕἸΣ ΤῸ ὍΝΟΜΑ, _into the name_. The preposition, which is the same that is used by Christ (Matthew 28:19) at the... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:17

ΤΌΤΕ ἘΠΕΤΊΘΕΣΑΝ Κ.Τ.Λ., _then they laid their hands on them_, that there might be some outward sign of this imparted grace. So Ananias (Acts 9:17) laid his hands on Saul, and he received the Holy Ghost. But on Cornelius and his companions (Acts 10:44) the same gift was bestowed while Peter spake unt... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:18

ἸΔῺΝ ΔΈ, _and when Simon saw,_ &c. Simon’s conduct now makes it clear how limited his faith had been. As he offered to buy the power, so we may be sure he meant to sell it. His faith had only sprung from his amazement. ΠΡΟΣΉΝΕΓΚΕΝ Κ.Τ.Λ., _he offered them money_. From Simon’s name all trafficking i... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:19

ΔΌΤΕ ΚἈΜΟῚ ΤῊΝ ἘΞΟΥΣΊΑΝ ΤΑΎΤΗΝ, _give me also this power_. The character of the man is shewn by what he asks for. He does not desire the Holy Ghost for himself as a spiritual gift to seal his baptism, but that he may be able to bestow what he looks upon as a higher power than his own magic. On this... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:20

ΤῸ� … ἈΠΏΛΕΙΑΝ, _thy silver perish with thee_. εἰς� is a frequent expression in the LXX. Thus for the king’s threat ‘ye shall be cut to pieces’ (A.V.) we find Daniel 2:5; Daniel 3:29 ἔσεσθε εἰς�. The expression also occurs Isaiah 14:23; Esther 7:4; Ezekiel 28:7, &c. It is clear from what follows tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:21

ΜΕΡῚΣ ΟΥ̓ΔῈ ΚΛΗ͂ΡΟΣ. These two words are constantly found together in the LXX. of Deuteronomy where the Levites are spoken of, who had no inheritance or possession in the land of Canaan. Thus Deuteronomy 12:12 ὁ Λευίτης, ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν αὐτῷ μερὶς οὐδὲ κλῆρος μεθ' ὑμῶν. So Deuteronomy 14:27; Deuterono... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:22

ΚΥΡΊΟΥ for θεοῦ with אABCDE. _Vulg_. has ‘Deum.’ 22. ΜΕΤΑΝΌΗΣΟΝ ΟΥ̓͂Ν�. Κ., _repent therefore,_ &c. On this condition not only could the stern wish of Peter be averted, but the anger of God also. We see therefore that the words of the Apostle in Acts 8:20 must have been coupled in his mind with suc... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:23

ΕἸΣ ΓᾺΡ ΧΟΛῊΝ ΠΙΚΡΊΑΣ. The preposition εἰς = _into_ is not easy to explain here. Some have thought that εἰς, like ἐν, is used as representing בְּ. By others the construction has been compared with that of the Hebrew preposition ל = _for_, after the verb ‘to be’ in passages such as Ezekiel 37:22 ‘I w... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:24

ὍΠΩΣ ΜΗΔῈΝ ἘΠΈΛΘΗΙ Κ.Τ.Λ., _that none of these things which ye have spoken come upon me_. Simon shews from the character of his petition that he is not moved by a true spirit of repentance. He utters no word of sorrow for the evil of his thought, but only petitions that he may suffer no punishment.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:25

ΟἹ ΜῈΝ ΟΥ̓͂Ν … ΛΑΛΉΣΑΝΤΕΣ … ΕἸΣ ἹΕΡΟΣΌΛΥΜΑ … ΕΥ̓ΗΓΓΕΛΊΖΟΝΤΟ, _they therefore, when they had testified and spoken the word of the Lord, returned towards Jerusalem, and preached the Gospel to many villages of the Samaritans._ Peter and John had not been sent forth to make an extended missionary journe... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:26

ἌΓΓΕΛΟΣ ΔΈ, _and an angel_. God does not let His agents languish for want of occupation. Peter and John are sent to complete the work of Philip in Samaria, but Philip meanwhile is divinely directed to another scene of labour. ἘΛΆΛΗΣΕΝ ΠΡῸΣ ΦΊΛΙΠΠΟΝ, _spake unto Philip_. Most probably in a vision, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:27

The second ὃς omitted with אACD. It is unrepresented in the _Vulg_. 27. ἈΝῊΡ ΑἸΘΊΟΨ. The deletion of the second ὂς in this verse leaves the nominative with a verb to which it may be joined, which was not the case in the _Text. recept_. Ethiopia, like Cush in the O.T., is a general name given to th... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:28

ἮΝ ΤΕ ὙΠΟΣΤΡΈΦΩΝ, _and was returning_, i.e. at the termination of the feast. ἈΝΕΓΊΝΩΣΚΕΝ ΤῸΝ ΠΡΟΦΉΤΗΝ ἩΣΑΪ́ΑΝ, _read Isaiah the prophet_. He was evidently reading aloud (see Acts 8:30), and this was common among orientals, and was specially the practice of the Jews, who accompanied the reading with... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:29

ΕἾΠΕΝ ΔῈ ΤῸ ΠΝΕΥ͂ΜΑ ΤΩ͂Ι ΦΙΛΊΠΠΩΙ, _and the Spirit said unto Philip_, i.e. by some inward prompting. ΠΡΌΣΕΛΘΕ ΚΑῚ ΚΟΛΛΉΘΗΤΙ Κ.Τ.Λ., _go near and join thyself to this chariot_. No doubt this royal treasurer had a numerous retinue, and a single traveller on a desert road would be doing what was natur... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:30

ἩΣΑΪ́ΑΝ ΤῸΝ ΠΡΟΦΉΤΗΝ with אABC. _Vulg_. has ‘Isaïam prophetam.’ 30. ΠΡΟΣΔΡΑΜῺΝ ΔΈ, _and having run up_, i.e. to overtake and get near the chariot. ἎΡΆ ΓΕ ΓΙΝΏΣΚΕΙΣ, _dost thou understand?_ i.e. how the words are to be applied, and to whom they relate.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:31

ἘΆΝ. For an example of ἐάν with future indicative cf. Luke 11:12, ἐὰν αἰτήσει ὠόν. ὉΔΗΓΉΣΕΙ ΜΕ, _shall guide me_. The eunuch living far away from the received expounders of the Scriptures, feels that in a dark passage like that which he was reading he has need of trained instruction. He uses therefo... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:32

Ἡ ΔῈ ΠΕΡΙΟΧΉ, _now the place_, &c. The word περιοχή is of rare occurrence in this sense, but Cicero uses it in _Epist. ad Attic_. XIII. 25. It means the section of a book, rather than a particular place. Compare the use of the verb in 1 Peter 2:6, περιέχει ἐν τῇ γραφῇ, ‘it is contained in the Script... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:33

ἘΝ ΤΗ͂Ι ΤΑΠΕΙΝΏΣΕΙ, _in His humiliation_. The Hebrew text signifies ‘through oppression and through judgment (i.e. punishment) he was taken away.’ ΤῊΝ ΓΕΝΕᾺΝ Κ.Τ.Λ., _who shall declare His generation?_ i.e. who shall describe His contemporaries, men who under a form of judicial punishment oppressed... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:34

ΠΕΡῚ ἙΑΥΤΟΥ͂, _concerning himself_. As Isaiah 61. ‘The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, &c.,’ was held by the Jews to refer to Isaiah, so the eunuch enquires whether the words he has been reading may have the same reference.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:35

ΚΑῚ�.Τ.Λ., _and he began at this Scripture, and preached unto him Jesus_. It can hardly be doubted that during his sojourn in Jerusalem the eunuch had heard the history of the new teachers who had created such an excitement in the city. Thus he would have had some story told him of the founder of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:36

ὩΣ ΔῈ ἘΠΟΡΕΎΟΝΤΟ ΚΑΤᾺ ΤῊΝ ὉΔΌΝ, _and as they went on the way_. We must suppose that Philip travelled for some time with the eunuch, for not only has he explained that in Jesus was fulfilled all that the prophets had spoken concerning the sufferings of the Messiah, but has taught him that believers i... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:37

The whole of this verse is omitted with אABCHLP. The _Vulgate_ represents it. But see note. 37. εἶπεν δὲ ὁ Φίλιππος, Εἰ πιστεύεις ἐξ ὅλης τῆς καρδίας ἔξεστιν. Ἀποκριθεὶς δὲ εἶπεν, Πιστεύω τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ θεοῦ εἶναι τὸν Ἰησοῦν Χριστόν. These words stand in the _Text. recept_. as Acts 8:37, but are omitt... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:38

ἘΚΈΛΕΥΣΕΝ ΣΤΗ͂ΝΑΙ ΤῸ ἍΡΜΑ, _he commanded the chariot to stand still_, i.e. he bade the chariot-driver halt. Of course the whole retinue would be witnesses of what took place, and they may perhaps be regarded as the nucleus of a congregation to be established in Ethiopia. Tradition tells us that the... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:39

ΠΝΕΥ͂ΜΑ ΚΥΡΊΟΥ Κ.Τ.Λ., _the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip_. Just as Obadiah expected that Elijah would be carried away while he himself went on his errand to Ahab (1 Kings 18:12). Compare the language of Ezekiel (Acts 3:12; Acts 3:14; Acts 8:3, &c.), ‘So the spirit lifted me up (ἀνέλαβε) and... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 8:40

ΦΊΛΙΠΠΟΣ ΔῈ ΕὙΡΈΘΗ, _but Philip was found_, i.e. he appeared again and continued the work of his ministry. Εὑρέθη is the exact translation of a Hebrew verb which in the A.V. is often rendered ‘to be present.’ Cf. Esther 1:5 ‘that were present,’ and in the margin ‘Hebrew, _found_.’ ΕἸΣ ἌΖΩΤΟΝ, _at A... [ Continue Reading ]

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