Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary
Acts 9:1-9
CHAPTER IX. _Saul, bent on the destruction of the Christians, obtains letters_ _from the high priest, authorizing him to seize those whom he_ _should find at Damascus, and bring them bound to Jerus...
AND SAUL - See the notes on Acts 7:58; Acts 8:3. He had been engaged be fore in persecuting the Christians, but he now sought opportunity to gratify his insatiable desire on a larger scale. YET BREATH...
CHAPTER 9 __ 1. The vision of Glory on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1). 2. Instructions given to Ananias (Acts 9:10). 3. Saul filled with the Spirit, is baptized and preaches that Jesus is the Son...
PAUL'S CONVERSION. This belongs geographically to the field of the Hellenist mission, which was announced in Acts 8:4, and occupied that whole chapter. We heard of that mission at Samaria and Cæ sarea...
But Saul, still breathing out threat and murder to the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters of credit to Damascus, to the synagogues there, so that if he found any...
SURRENDER (Acts 9:1-9)...
AND. But, or Now. BREATHING OUT. Greek. _empneo._ Only here. THREATENINGS. Greek. _apeile._ See Acts 4:17. SLAUGHTER. murder. Greek. _phonos._ Occurs ten times. Always translates, murder, except he...
Acts 9:1. Saul's mission to Damascus and his Conversion 1. _And_[But] _Saul, yet breathing out threatenings_[threatening] It is better to translate the conjunction adversatively here, as the new subje...
_THE CONVERSION OF SAUL ACTS 9:1-18:_ Saul's early training helped him to be a very sincere man. However, as important as sincerity is we must remember that sincerity may be just as real in the heart...
ΈΜΠΝΈΩΝ _praes. act. part. (сопутств.) от_ ΕΜΠΝΈΩ (G1709) вдыхать, дышать, с _gen._ указывает, чем он дышал. Угрозы и убийства были той атмосферой, которой он дышал и в которой он жил (EGT; BD, 95-94)...
AND SAUL, YET BREATHING OUT THREATENINGS, &C.— This is a very emphatical expression, and shews the implacable hatred which Saul bore to the Christian profession; and it must have increased his rage to...
AT JERUSALEM. Acts 9:1-2. Acts 9:1 But Saul, yet breathing threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, Acts 9:2 and asked of him letters to Damascus unto...
THE CONVERSION AND EARLY LABORS OF SAUL Acts 9:1-30; Galatians 1:17-24 For a moment let us pause and look back over the pathway of the narrative, Luke has given the following events since the beginni...
IX: 1, 2. These is a sudden transition in our narrative at this point, and it assumes more the character of a biography. The writers of sacred history, in both Testaments, devote the greater part of t...
And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, Conversion of Saul (9:1-9) AND SAUL, YET BREATHING OUT, [ empneoon (G1709), lite...
26 It is notable that the messenger, or angel, who spoke to Philip is also called "the spirit" (29) and "the spirit of the Lord" (39). This suggests that these expressions may refer to created beings...
SAUL BECOMES A CHRISTIAN 1-30. The Conversion of Saul is to regarded as a miraculous event. The way for it may have been prepared by Stephen's speech, by the spectacle of the constancy of the Christia...
THE HIGH PRIEST] The Romans allowed the Sanhedrin to exercise civil and criminal jurisdiction (except in capital cases) over the whole Jewish community, even outside Palestine....
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 9 JESUS APPEARS IN FRONT OF SAUL, 9:1-9 V1 Saul was still saying that he would hurt the *Lord’s *disciples. He said that he would kill them. He...
IX. (1) YET BREATHING OUT THREATENINGS. — The “yet” implies a considerable interval since the death of Stephen, probably coinciding with the time occupied by the mission-work of Philip in the previous...
Acts 9:1 CHAPTER 2 THE CONVERSION OF THE PERSECUTOR. Acts 8:3; Acts 9:1 WE have in the last chapter traced the course of St. Paul's life as we know it from his own reminiscences, from hints in Hol...
Ὁ δὲ Σαῦλος : takes up and continues the narrative from Acts 8:3; the resumptive use of δέ. ἔτι : “Sic in summo fervore peccandi ereptus et conversus est” Bengel. ἐμπνέων : only here in N.T., not “bre...
WINNING A PERSECUTOR Acts 9:1-9 A year had passed since Acts 8:3. “The Way” had become the accepted phrase for the infant Church and its presentation of the truth, Acts 19:9; Acts 22:4. It may refer...
Opposition, the leader of which seems to have been Saul, continued. Armed with letters from the high priest, he attempted to put an end to the Nazarene heresy. It was on his journey with this intent t...
Seeing the Light on the Damascus' Road Saul not only persecuted the church in Jerusalem, but even went to foreign cities to carry out his vicious persecution. Bruce presents some evidence that the Jew...
And (1) Saul, yet (a) breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, (1) Saul (who is also Paul), persecuting Christ most cruelly, who did as it...
SAUL'S CONVERSION 1-15. As the Romans looked upon the Nazarenes as an insignificant faction of Judaism, in some way to them utterly mysterious, out of harmony with their own church, they acquiesced in...
And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, (2) And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any...
CONTENTS The wonderful History of Saul's Conversion. The Effect it had upon the Jews. Peter healeth Eneas, and raiseth Tabitha from the dead....
We are now arrived at a turning-point in the history, not merely of the church, but of the unfolding of the truth of God, and the manifestation of His ways. The death of Stephen, therefore, has in var...
1._And Saul. _Luke setteth down in this place a noble history, and a history full well worthy to be remembered, concerning the conversion of Paul; after what sort the Lord did not only bring him under...
A work and a workman of another character begin now to dawn upon the scene. We have seen the inveterate opposition of the heads of Israel to the testimony of the Holy Ghost, their obstinacy in repelli...
AND SAUL YET BREATHING OUT THREATENINGS AND SLAUGHTER,.... The historian having given an account of the dispersion of all the preachers of the Gospel at Jerusalem, excepting the apostles, and of their...
And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, Ver. 1. _And Saul yet breathing_] As a tired wolf, that wearied with worrying the...
_And Saul, yet_ (ετι _, adhuc, hitherto_, or _still_) _breathing out threatenings and slaughter_ This very emphatical expression refers to what is related of Saul, Acts 8:3; (where see the note;) and...
HIGH - PRIEST; he was president of the Sanhedrim or great Jewish council, and signed letters in their name and with their authority. Men of great talents, superior religious advantages, and extensive...
THE CONVERSION AND EARLY LABORS OF PAUL. Paul's continued enmity against the Church:...
Philip the evangelist is now put in the background, as the Spirit of God begins a work of another kind, using a most unexpected workman. Saul was filled with strongest animosity toward the disciples,...
THEN SAUL, STILL BREATHING THREATS AND MURDER AGAINST THE DISCIPLES OF THE LORD, WENT TO THE HIGH PRIEST 1. Chapter 8 began with great persecution. Saul was involved. 2. Now, in chapter 9 Saul is th...
"But Saul, yet breathing threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest"But Saul" "His attitude and conduct is put in contrast to that of Philip by the conjunct...
1-9 So ill informed was Saul, that he thought he ought to do all he could against the name of Christ, and that he did God service thereby; he seemed to breathe in this as in his element. Let us not d...
ACTS CHAPTER 9 ACTS 9:1 Saul, going towards Damascus, is encompassed with a light from heaven, falleth to the earth, is called by Christ, and led blind to Damascus. ACTS 9:10 Ananias is sent to him, b...
IX: 1, 2. These is a sudden transition in our narrative at this point, and it assumes more the character of a biography. The writers of sacred history, in both Testaments, devote the greater part of t...
Tertullian On Baptism "the Nazarene" to be "the Lord, the Son of God."[143]...
Acts 9:1 Then G1161 Saul G4569 still G2089 breathing G1709 (G5723) threats G547 and G2532 murder G5408 against...
‘But Saul, yet breathing threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, and asked of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any that were...
_The Damascus Journey of Saul_, 1, 2. Acts 9:1. AND SAUL, YET BREATHING OUT THREATENINGS AND SLAUGHTER AGAINST THE DISCIPLES OF THE LORD. The narrative is here taken up again from chap. Acts 8:3, wher...
YET (ετ). As if some time elapsed between the death of Stephen as is naturally implied by the progressive persecution described in Acts 8:3. The zeal of Saul the persecutor increased with success.B...
Acts 9:1 Early History and Conversion of Paul. Viewed as a public event in the history of the Christian Church, the conversion of Paul furnishes new and independent testimony to the Divine origin of...
Acts 9:1 The Conversion of St. Paul. That blessed war of aggression which Jesus Christ wages upon the evil one is a war which is made to maintain itself. Christ's soldiers are His captured enemies. E...
Acts 9:1. _And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, and desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he fou...
Acts 9:1. _And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest,-_ Notice that little word «yet.» «Saul yet breathing out threatenings a...
L, 2. _And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings, and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found...
CONTENTS: Conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Paul preaches and visits Jerusalem and returns to Tarsus. Peter heals Aeneas. Tabitha raised from the dead. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Saul, disciples, hi...
Acts 9:1. _Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord._ Not less than two thousand of them, who fell in this storm, were massacred indiscriminately. If what i...
SAUL KEPT UP HIS VIOLENT THREATS. See Acts 8:3. The life of this man is about to undergo a radical transformation as he comes face to face with the Risen Lord! Saul tried to live as he understood the...
_And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples._ SAUL, A PERSECUTOR Saul was an educated young man, and that he should engage in the work of persecution strikes us as a...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 9:1 In chs. Acts 6:1 Luke deals primarily with the witness of the Jerusalem church among the dispersed Greek-speaking Jews (the “Hellenists”) and with the apostle Peter. The conversi...
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 9:1. AND should be _but_ directing attention once more to Saul. BREATHING OUT.—_Breathing in_ better renders the verb ἐμπνέων, threatening and slaughter describing the atmosphe...
EXPOSITION ACTS 9:1 _But _for _and, _A.V.; _breathing _for _breathing out, _A.V.; _threatening _for _threatenings, _A.V. THREATENING AND SLAUGHTER. The phrase ἐμπνέων ἀπειλῆς κ.τ.λ., is rather a...
When Alexander the Great conquered the world, he left pockets of Greek culture throughout the world. So these pockets of Greek culture became very influential. And even though the Roman Empire conquer...
1 Corinthians 15:9; 1 Timothy 1:13; Acts 22:3; Acts 22:4; Acts 26:9;...
Breathing out [ε μ π ν ε ω ν]. Lit., breathing upon or at, and so corresponding to against the disciples. Threatenings and slaughter [α π ε ι λ η ς κ α ι φ ο ν ο υ]. Lit., threatening; so Rev. In the...
THE CONVERSION OF SAUL OF TARSUS Acts 9:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS We have read, how, years ago, an outstanding infidel felt that if the Resurrection of Christ, and the Conversion of Saul could be demonst...
SAUL'S CONVERSION: A PATTERN AND A PROPHECY 1 Timothy 1:15; _with Acts 9:1_ INTRODUCTORY WORDS We marvel, therefore, that what God wrought in Saul's conversion on the Damascus road is as vital a pa...
Acts 22:3, &c; Acts 26:9, &c....
Observe here, 1. The lively character of. bloody persecutor: HE BREATHES THREATENINGS AND SLAUGHTER AGAINST THE MEMBERS OF CHRIST. His very breath smells of fire; threatenings and slaughter, like ligh...