9–14. Prayer for the Colossians, with reason for gratitude on their part to God, viz. their emancipation in Christ. This forms a transition to a fuller account of the relation of the Son to the Father, to Creation, and to the Church

(Observe that in these verses there are frequent signs that the Apostle is already conscious of the warnings that he is about to give them.)
(Colossians 1:9) Because of the love you show, we both (Timothy and I), ever since we first heard (as I said in Colossians 1:4) of your faith in Christ, continually intercede for you, and ask for our request to be granted us that you may be filled with the recognition of what is God’s will for each, in wisdom as needed in every case and spiritual discernment; (Colossians 1:10) thus walking worthily of our Master—with the object of pleasing Him in every case, bearing fruit (as I said) in every good work, and growing by this very knowledge of God; (Colossians 1:11) being continually strengthened too in God’s strength given as it is needed in proportion to (nothing less than) the supreme might of His revelation of Himself given with the object of your having hopeful endurance and quiet forbearance, and these accompanied by joy; (Colossians 1:12) giving thanks to the Father who made you Gentile Christians sufficient for admission into your share of the possession that all saints have in spiritual light; (Colossians 1:13) [the Father] who delivered us all out of the rule that springs from and is governed by darkness, and transferred us into the sovereignty of His Son whom He loves; (Colossians 1:14) [the Son] in whom we now have emancipation from that darkness, consisting primarily in the remission of our sins.

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Old Testament