ἀλλήλοις אACD. ἀλλήλους is read by W.H. margin with BG*.

26. μὴ γινώμεθα, in contrast to the preceding suggestion of harmony. Observe the humility and tact whereby St Paul writes as though he himself was exposed to this temptation. Perhaps he was; certainly they were, by the very fact of their disputes. Controversy easily engenders self-conceit.

κενόδοξοι[154]. Cf. κενοδοξία, Philippians 2:3[155], which is coupled in 4Ma 2:15 with φιλαρχία, ἀλαζονία, μεγαλαυχία and βασκανία. For the thought cf. Galatians 6:3.

[154] Is affixed it means that all the passages are mentioned where the word occurs in the Greek Bible.
[155] Is affixed to a word it means that all the passages are mentioned where that word occurs in the New Testament.

ἀλλήλους προκαλούμενοι, 2Ma 8:11[156]. “Ex parte potentiorum” as φθονοῦντες “ex parte infirmiorum” (Bengel).

[156] Is affixed it means that all the passages are mentioned where the word occurs in the Greek Bible.

ἀλλήλοις φθονοῦντες, Tob 4:7; Tob 4:16 (17)[157], cf. Galatians 5:21. See notes on Textual Criticism.

[157] Is affixed it means that all the passages are mentioned where the word occurs in the Greek Bible.

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