τοῦτο ποιήσομεν. We will advance towards perfection. The MSS., as in nearly all similar cases, vary between “we will do” (אBKL) and “let us do” (ACDE). It is difficult to decide between the two, and the variations may often be due (1) to the tendency of scribes, especially in Lectionaries, to adopt the hortative form as being more edifying; and (2) to the fact that at this period of Greek the distinction in sound between ποιήσομεν and ποιήσωμεν was small.

ἐάνπερ ἐπιτρέπῃ ὁ θεός. These sincere and pious formulae became early current among Christians (1 Corinthians 16:7; James 4:15).

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Old Testament