Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary
Hebrews 9:1-10
HEBREWS 9:1 @kai,# {C} The evidence, evenly balanced for and against the presence of kai, (it is read by a A D _al_; it is lacking in î46vid B 1739 _al_), is represented by the Committee in retaining...
CHAPTER IX. _Of the first covenant, and its ordinances_, 1. _The tabernacle, candlestick, table, show-bread, veil, holy of_ _holies, censer, ark, pot of manna, Aaron's rod, tables of the_ _covenan...
THEN VERILY - Or, moreover. The object is to describe the tabernacle in which the service of God was celebrated under the former dispensation, and to show that it had a reference to what was future, a...
CHAPTER 9 _ 1. The first tabernacle and its worship (Hebrews 9:1)_ 2. The blood and the perfect work accomplished (Hebrews 9:11) 3. The Priest in heaven (Hebrews 9:24)...
The two ministries are now contrasted, in order to show that the OT institutions were imperfect, and pointed beyond themselves to that real access to God which we have obtained through Christ. HEBREW...
So, then, the first tabernacle, too, had its ordinances of worship and its holy place, which was an earthly symbol of the divine realities. For the first tabernacle was constructed and in it there was...
THEN VERILY... ALSO. Now even. _ COVENANT_. No Greek. word. The ellipsis is rightly supplied by " _covenant_ ". ORDINANCES. Greek. _dikaioma._ App-191. DIVINE SERVICE. Greek. _latreia._ App-190. W...
_Then verily the first tabernacle had also ordinances_ Rather, "To resume then, even the first (_covenant_) had its ordinances." No substantive is expressed with "first," but the train of reasoning in...
_THE TABERNACLE AND ITS SERVICES HEBREWS 9:1-7:_ God's first or former arrangement had religious services connected with it. A study of Exodus 25:1-40; Exodus 26:1-37;...
ΕΊΧΕ _impf. ind. act. от_ ΈΧ (G2192) иметь, ΠΡΏΤΗ (G4413) первый. Это слово модифицирует опущенное ΔΙΑΘΉΚΗ (Hughes), ΔΙΚΑΊΩΜΑ (G1345) то, чего требует праведность, правило, порядок (Westcott; Michel...
F. _He is a Priest in a better tabernacle. Hebrews 9:1-28_. 1. _The old tabernacle and its imperfect services. Hebrews 9:1-10_. _TEXT_ Hebrews 9:1-10...
THE TYPICAL TABERNACLE (Hebrews 9:1-5) The principal design of the apostle in this epistle was to prove and make manifest that the "old covenant" which Jehovah made with Israel at Sinai, with all the...
Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. THEN VERILY, [ men (G3303) oun (G3767)] - 'According]y then.' Resuming Hebrews 7:5. In a...
8 Few phrases are so unfortunately confusing as "the New Testament". The Greek word for "testament" and its Hebrew equivalent never carry the ordinary meaning of a will, or legal instrument for the di...
9:1 service, (c-9) _ Latreia_ , from the same root as _ latreuo_ in ver. 6, see Note e. one. (d-15) The form of words here is greatly disputed. The grammatical order would require it to be translated...
THE NEW COVENANT AND THE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST Hebrews 9:1 to Hebrews 10:39. The writer now proceeds to elaborate in greater detail the contrast between the old covenant and the new. The old covenant ha...
A WORLDLY SANCTUARY] RV 'its sanctuary, a sanctuary of this world,' and therefore inferior to the 'true' tabernacle in the heavens (Hebrews 8:2), of which it was but a copy....
HOW CAN I GET TO HEAVEN? HEBREWS _IAN MACKERVOY_ CHAPTER 9 A NEW WAY TO PRAISE GOD 9:1-28 THE OLD HOLY PLACE 9:1-10 V1 The first agreement had rules for praising God and giving him honour and r...
IX. (1) The subject commenced in the last chapter (Hebrews 9:1) is continued here. The mention of the “more excellent ministry” led to the description of the new covenant with which it is united (Hebr...
Εἶχε μὲν οὖν καὶ ἡ πρώτη … “Even the first covenant, however, had ordinances of worship and the holy place suitable to this world,” _i.e._, as hinted in Hebrews 8:2, a tent pitched by man, constructed...
The insufficiency of the first covenant is further illustrated from the character of its ordinances. For it was not devoid of elaborate and impressive appointments and regulations for worship, but the...
THE IMPERFECT WAY OF APPROACH TO GOD Hebrews 9:1 With careful enumeration each item of the Tabernacle furniture is specified, because of each there is a spiritual equivalent in the unseen, spiritual...
Because of the better priesthood and the better covenant a better worship is established. First, the sanctuary is described. Christ is set forth as the One who has entered into a greater Tabernacle th...
Then verily (1) the first [covenant] had also ordinances of divine service, and a (a) worldly sanctuary. (1) A division of the first tabernacle which he calls worldly, that is to say, transitory, and...
The former. [1] In the ordinary Greek copies is expressed the former tabernacle; but even the Protestant translators have abandoned that reading, and understand the former testament or covenant, which...
(1) Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. (2) For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the s...
CONTENTS We have in this Chapter some Account of the Furniture of the Old Tabernacle in the Wilderness. To this succeeds a most blessed Account of Christ, whom the Holy Ghost meant to prefigure by th...
The apostle now resumes his great theme, Christ called a Priest of God for ever after the order of Melchisedec. He alludes, in the beginning of our chapter, to the historical facts of Genesis. We must...
1_Then verily the first, etc _(138) After having spoken generally of the abrogation of the old covenant, he now refers specially to the ceremonies. His object is to show that there was nothing practic...
The epistle, recounting some particular circumstances which characterised the first covenant shews that neither were sins put away, nor was the conscience purged by its means, nor the entrance into th...
THEN VERILY THE FIRST COVENANT HAD ORDINANCES OF DIVINE SERVICE,.... The design of the apostle in this chapter, as it stands in connection with what goes before, is to show the pre-eminence of Christ,...
Ει῏χε μὲν ου῏ν καὶ ἡ πρώτη δικαιώματα λατρείας τό τε ἅγιον κοσμικόν. Some things must be premised unto the reading of these words. ῾Η πρώτη, “the first,” doth in the original answer in gender unto all...
Then verily the first _covenant_ had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. Ver. 1. _Then verily the first covenant_] Here the apostle proveth what he had propounded,Hebrews 8:5,...
To show that the old covenant was justly laid aside, the apostle judged it necessary to enter into a particular examination of the religious services which it enjoined, and to prove that these were de...
A comparison is now introduced between the priestly services of the first covenant, and the perfect priesthood of Christ, the Mediator of the new covenant....
THE OLD TESTAMENT CULT INFERIOR TO THE PERFECTION OF CHRIST'S SACRIFICE. Description of the Tabernacle and its appointments:...
Chapter s 9 and 10 form a wonderful climax in the orderly presentation of the truth in this epistle: If according to the new covenant, a man must be morally fitted for the presence of God by means of...
ORDINANCES: Or, ceremonies...
1-5 The apostle shows to the Hebrews the typical reference of their ceremonies to Christ. The tabernacle was a movable temple, shadowing forth the unsettled state of the church upon earth, and the hu...
OLBGrk; HEBREWS CHAPTER 9 HEBREWS 9:1 The service and sacrifices of the first tabernacle were far less perfect and efficacious to purge the conscience than the blood of Christ. HEBREWS 9:15 The necess...
Hebrews 9:1 Then G3767 indeed G3303 even G2532 first G4413 had G2192 (G5707) ordinances G1345 service G2999 and...
Hebrews 9:1. This verse concedes the excellency of the old economy. IT HAD ORDINANCES OF DIVINE WORSHIP. The writer speaks in the past tense, because he looks back to the original institution and the...
EVEN THE FIRST COVENANT (κα η πρωτη). Κα (even) is doubtful. No word for covenant with πρωτε (cf. Hebrews 8:7).HAD (ειχε). Imperfect active, used to have.ORDINANCES (δικαιωματα). Regulations (fr...
Hebrews 9:1 Worship in Spirit and Truth. I. Apart from revelation men have not the idea of God as Lord, Spirit, Father; and even after the light of Scripture has appeared, God is to many only an abst...
Hebrews 9:1 The Simplicity of Christian Ritual. The simplicity of worship in the Christian Church is a sign of spiritual advancement I. Inasmuch as it arises, in some measure, from the fact that th...
Hebrews 9:1. _Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary._ That is to say, a material sanctuary, a sanctuary made out of such things as this world c...
Hebrews 9:1. _Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary._ That is, a sanctuary belonging to this world, a visible sanctuary. That first covenant wa...
1 _Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary._ An external sanctuary, a material structure, and therefore belonging to this world. Hebrews 9:2. _F...
CONTENTS: Ordinances and sanctuary of the old covenant as types of the new. The realities of the new covenant which is sealed by the blood of Christ. CHARACTERS: God, Holy Spirit, Aaron, High Priest,...
Hebrews 9:2. _A tabernacle wherein was the candlestick._ For a description of this portable temple, which disdains borrowing figures from the Egyptian temples, though they had some figures analogous t...
THE FIRST COVENANT. To show that it was both right and proper that the Law or Moses and the Jewish priesthood were terminated and superseded, a contrast is made between the worship of the old and new...
_The first covenant had also ordinances_ THE ANCIENT TABERNACLE The writer now proceeds to compare the old and the new covenants with reference to their respective provisions for religious communion...
HEBREWS—NOTE ON HEBREWS 9:1 These verses describe the OT tabernacle, its furnishings, and its worship practices. This description of the “first covenant” lays the groundwork for the discussion of the...
CHRIST IS THE END OF THE LAW _CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ THE writer proceeds to compare, or rather contrast, the ordinances of ministration under the two priesthoods. 1. The older ceremonial ind...
EXPOSITION _The sphere _of Christ's "more excellent ministry," as the "Mediator of a better covenant," having been shown to be elsewhere than in the earthly tabernacle, the ministry itself is now con...
Hebrews chapter 9. In the eighth chapter of the book of Hebrews, he makes mention of the prophecy in Jeremiah where God said that in those days He was going to make a new covenant with the people, not...
Colossians 2:8; Exodus 25:8; Ezekiel 43:11; Hebrews 8:13; Hebrews 8:2;...
Ordinances of divine service [δ ι κ α ι ω μ α τ α λ α τ ρ ε ι α ς]. For dikaiwma ordinance, see on Romans 5:16. For latreia service, see on Luke 1:74; Revelation 22:3;...
The first covenant had ordinances of outward worship, and a worldly — a visible, material sanctuary, or tabernacle. Of this sanctuary he treats, Hebrews 9:2. Of those ordinances, Hebrews 9:6....
In this, and the following verses, the Apostle gives us. particular and distinct view of the typical ordinances in the old covenant under the Mosaic dispensation, and also of their accomplishment in J...