ἔστιν for εἰσί (comp. ἤκουσαν, John 10:8). Omit τὰ πρόβατα ὁ δὲ μισθωτὸς φεύγει after σκορπίζει with אBDL against A.

12. ὁ μισθωτός. The word occurs nowhere else in N.T. excepting of the ‘hired servants’ of Zebedee (Mark 1:20). The Good Shepherd was introduced in contrast to the thief. Now we have another contrast to the Good Shepherd given, the hired shepherd, a mercenary, who tends a flock not his own for his own interests. The application is obvious; viz., to those ministers who care chiefly for the emoluments and advantages of their position, and retire when the position becomes irksome and dangerous. In one respect the hireling is worse than the thief, for he is false to his pledge and betrays a trust. He sacrifices his charge to save himself, whereas a true shepherd sacrifices himself to save his charge.

καὶ οὐκ ὤν π. And not a shepherd, as in John 10:2.

τὸν λύκον. Any power opposed to Christ (John 10:28).

ἀφίησιν κ.τ.λ. Leaveth the sheep and fleeth; and the wolf snatcheth them and scattereth (them); because he is an hireling, &c. The wolf seizes some and scatters the rest.

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Old Testament