εἰ οὐ ποιῶ. Not εἰ μή, because the negative belongs to ποιῶ, not to the sentence; if I omit to do: John 3:12; John 5:47; Revelation 20:15. Comp. Soph. Ajax, 1131. Winer, pp. 599, 600.

μὴ πιστ. μοι. A literal command: if His works are not those which His Father works, they ought not (not merely have no need) even to believe what He says (see on John 6:30), much less believe on Him (see on John 1:12). Comp. John 5:24; John 5:46; John 8:31; John 8:45; John 14:11. His works are His Father’s (John 9:3; John 14:10).

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Old Testament