ἐλεύσονται οἱ Ῥωμ. An unconscious prophecy (comp. John 11:50; John 7:35; John 19:19) of what their own policy would produce. They do not inquire whether He is or is not the Messiah: they look solely to the consequences of admitting that He is.

ἡμῶν κ. τ. τόπον κ. τ. ἔθνος. ‘Ημῶν is very emphatic and does not depend on ἀροῦσιν: it belongs to both substantives; both our place and our nation. ‘Place’ is perhaps best understood of Jerusalem, the seat of the Sanhedrin, and the abode of most of the hierarchy. Other interpretations are (1) the Temple, comp. 2Ma 5:19; (2) the whole land; so that the expression means ‘our land and people,’ which is illogical: the land may be taken from the people, or the people from the land, but how can both be taken away? (3) ‘position, raison d’être.’ In any case the sentiment is parallel to that of Demetrius and his fellow-craftsmen (Acts 19:27). They profess to be very zealous for religion, but cannot conceal their interested motives. For ἔθνος of the Jews comp. John 11:50.

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Old Testament