λογίζεσθε (אABDL) for διαλογίζεσθε. The compound is very frequent in the Synoptists.

50. συμφέρει ὑμῖν. It is expedient for you half-hearted Pharisees: ὑμῖν corresponds with the contemptuous ὑμεῖς, a point which is spoiled by the inferior reading ἡμῖν.

ἵνα εἶς ἄνθ. ἀποθ. Literally, in order that one man should die; S. John’s favourite construction pointing to the Divine purpose: see on John 1:8; John 4:34; John 4:47, and comp. John 16:7; John 6:29; John 6:40; John 6:50; John 9:2-3; John 12:23; John 13:34. The high-priest thus singles out the Scapegoat.

τοῦ λαοῦ. The Jews as a theocratic community; whereas τὸ ἔθνος (John 11:48; John 18:35) is the Jews as one of the nations of the earth (Luke 7:5; Acts 10:22. Τὰ ἔθνη of course means the Gentiles (Acts 10:45; Romans 11:13; Galatians 2:12, &c.).

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