John 12 - Introduction

CHAP. 12. THE JUDGMENT We now enter upon the third section of the first main division of this Gospel. It may be useful to state the divisions once more. THE PROLOGUE, John 1:1-18; THE MINISTRY, John 1:19 to John 12:50, thus divided—(1) THE TESTIMONY, John 1:19 to John 2:11; (2) THE WORK, John 2:13 t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:1

1. Omit ὁ τεθνηκώς after ΛΆΖΑΡΟΣ, with אBLX against ADIa. 1. Ὁ ΟΥ̓͂Ν Ἰ. The οὖν simply resumes the narrative from the point where it quitted Jesus. John 11:55. This is better than to make it depend on John 11:57, as if He went to Bethany to avoid His enemies. His hour is drawing near, and therefore... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:1-36

THE JUDGMENT OF MEN Note the dramatic contrast between the different sections of this division; the devotion of Mary and the enmity of the priests, Christ’s triumph and the Pharisees’ discomfiture, the Gentiles seeking the Light and the Chosen People refusing to see it.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:2

ἈΝΑΚΕΙΜΈΝΩΝ ΣΎΝ (אABD) for συνανακειμένων (frequent in the Synoptists, not found in S. John). 2. ἘΠΟΊΗΣΑΝ ΟΥ̓͂Ν. _They made_ THEREFORE; because of His great miracle just mentioned (John 12:1) and its consequences. The banquet is a generous protest against the decree of the Sanhedrin (John 11:57). Th... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:3

ΛΊΤΡΑΝ. S. John alone gives Mary’s name and the amount. The pound of 12 ounces is meant. So large a quantity of a substance so costly is evidence of her overflowing love. Comp. John 19:39. ΝΆΡΔΟΥ ΠΙΣΤΙΚΗ͂Σ. The expression is a rare one, and occurs elsewhere only Mark 14:3, which S. John very likely... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:4

ἸΟΎΔΑΣ Ὁ ἸΣΚ. S. Mark (Mark 14:4) says, quite indefinitely, τινες; S. Matthew (Matthew 26:8), οἱ μαθηταί. Each probably states just what he knew; S. Mark that the remark was made; S. Matthew that it came from the group of disciples; S. John that Judas made it, and why he made it. S. John was perhaps... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:5

ΤΡΙΑΚΟΣΊΩΝ ΔΗΝ. Over £20, if we reckon according to the purchasing power of the _denarius_: see on John 6:7. Πτωχοῖς (no article), _to poor people_: comp. διάδος πτωχοῖς (Luke 18:22).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:6

ΓΛΩΣΣΌΚΟΜΟΝ. More classical form ΓΛΩΣΣΟΚΟΜΕΙ͂ΟΝ, from ΚΟΜΈΩ. It literally means a ‘case for mouthpieces’ of musical instruments, and hence any portable chest. Its occurring in LXX. only of the chest into which offerings for the Temple were put (2 Chronicles 24:8; 2 Chronicles 24:10-11) may have infl... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:7

7. Insert ἽΝΑ after ΑΥ̓ΤΉΝ and read ΤΗΡΉΣΗΙ for τετήρηκεν (changes to escape a difficulty), with אBDKLQX against AIa. 7. ἌΦΕΣ ΑΥ̓ΤΉΝ, ἽΝΑ. _Let her alone_, THAT FOR THE DAY OF THE PREPARATION FOR MY BURIAL SHE MAY PRESERVE IT: or, more simply, _Suffer her to keep it for the day of My burial_. But ἐν... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:8

ΤΟῪΣ ΠΤΩΧΟῪΣ ΓᾺΡ Κ.Τ.Λ. Comp. Deuteronomy 15:11. Every word of this verse occurs in the first two Gospels, though not quite in the same order. Here the emphasis is on ‘the poor,’ there on ‘always.’ The striking originality of the saying, and the large claim which it makes, are evidence of its origin... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:9

Ὁ ὌΧΛΟΣ ΠΟΛΎΣ. Large caravans would be coming up for the Passover, and the news would spread quickly through the shifting crowds, who were already on the alert (John 11:55) about Jesus, and were now anxious to see Lazarus. It is the ‘LARGE MULTITUDE of the _Jews_’ who come; i. e. of Christ’s usual o... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:10

ΟἹ�. see on John 7:32. Nothing is here said about the Pharisees (comp. John 11:47; John 11:57), who are, however, not necessarily excluded. Both would wish to put Lazarus out of the way for the reason given in John 12:11 : but the chief priests, who were mostly Sadducees, would have an additional re... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:11

ὙΠΗ͂ΓΟΝ … ἘΠΊΣΤΕΥΟΝ. The imperfects express a continual process: WERE GOING AWAY AND BELIEVING. It is best to leave ‘going away’ quite indefinite; the idea of falling away from the hierarchy lies in the context and not in the word. The climax is approaching. Of ‘the Jews’ themselves many are being... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:12

ΤΗ͂Ι ἘΠΑΎΡΙΟΝ. From the date given John 12:1, consequently Nisan 9, from Saturday evening to Sunday evening, if the chronology given on John 12:1 is correct. S. John seems distinctly to assert that the Triumphal Entry followed the supper at Bethany: S. Matthew and S. Mark both place the supper after... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:13

ἘΚΡΑΎΓΑΖΟΝ for ἔκραζον (from Matt. and Mark) with אBDLQ against A. 13. ΤᾺ ΒΑΪ́Α ΤΩ͂Ν Φ. Literally, THE _palm-branches of_ THE _palm-trees;_ i.e. those which grew there, or which were commonly used at festivals. Βαῑ̔ον (here only) means a palm-branch, apparently of Coptic origin. S. Matthew (Matthew... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:14

ΕὙΡΏΝ. S. John does not repeat the well-known story of the finding: see on John 9:35. On ἘΣΤΙΝ ΓΕΓΡΑΜΜΈΝΟΝ see on John 2:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:15

ΜῊ ΦΟΒΟΥ͂. The quotation is freely made from Zechariah 9:9 : μὴ φοβοῦ is substituted for χαῖρε σφόδρα, and the whole is abbreviated. In writing ὁ βας. ΣΟΥ and πῶλον ὌΝΟΥ the Evangelist seems to be translating direct from the Hebrew. The best editions of LXX. omit σου, and all have πῶλον ΝΈΟΝ. Comp.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:16

ΟΥ̓Κ ἜΓΝΩΣΑΝ. A mark of candour: see on John 2:22; John 11:12; John 20:9. After Pentecost much that had been unnoticed or obscure before was brought to their remembrance and made clear (John 14:26). But would a Christian of the second century have invented this dulness in Apostles? Ταῦτα, with three... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:17

ὍΤΕ Τ. ΛΆΖ. See on John 12:9. _The multitude, therefore, that was with Him_ WHEN _He raised … were bearing witness_. See on John 12:41. This special mention of the ‘calling from the tomb’ is very natural in one who was there, and remembered the φωνὴ μεγάλη (John 11:43) and the excitement which it ca... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:18

ἬΚΟΥΣΑΝ for ἤκουσε (correction for uniformity). 18. ΤΟΥ͂ΤΟ. Emphatic: other signs had made comparatively little impression; _this_ one had convinced even His enemies. There are two multitudes, one coming with Jesus from Bethany, and one (13, 18) meeting Him from Jerusalem. The Synoptists do not not... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:19

19. THE DISCOMFITURE OF THE PHARISEES 19. ΘΕΩΡΕΙ͂ΤΕ. Either (indic.) YE BEHOLD, or BEHOLD YE? or (imper.) BEHOLD. The first seems best: comp. John 5:39; John 14:1; John 15:18; 1 John 2:27-29. ‘Ye see what a mistake we have made; we ought to have adopted the plan of Caiaphas long ago.’ ἼΔΕ Ὁ ΚΌΣΜΟΣ.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:20

ἜΛΛΗΝΕΣ. In A.V. translated ‘Gentiles’ John 7:35 (where see note), and ‘Greeks’ here. Care must be taken to distinguish in the N.T. between _Hellenes_ or ‘Greeks,’ i.e. born Gentiles, who may or may not have become either Jewish proselytes or Christian converts, and _Hellenistae_ or ‘Grecians,’ as o... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:21

ΦΙΛΊΠΠΩΙ] Their coming to S. Philip was the result either (1) of accident; or (2) of previous acquaintance, to which the mention of his home seems to point; or (3) of his Greek name, which might attract them. see on John 1:45; John 6:5; John 14:8. In Κύριε they shew their respect for the disciple of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:22

ΤΩ͂Ι ἈΝΔΡΈΑΙ] Another Apostle with a Greek name. They were both of Bethsaida (John 1:44), and possibly these Greeks may have come from the same district. S. Philip seems to shrink from the responsibility of introducing Gentiles to the Messiah, and applies in his difficulty to the Apostle who had alr... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:23

Ὁ ΔῈ Ἰ. ἈΠΟΚΡΊΝΕΤΑΙ. He anticipates the Apostles and addresses them before they introduce the Greeks. We are left in doubt as to the result of the Greeks’ request. Nothing is said to them in particular, though they may have followed and heard this address to the Apostles, which gradually shades off... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:25

ἈΠΟΛΛΎΕΙ (אBL) for ἀπολέσει (AD). 25. ΨΥΧΉΝ … ΖΩΉΝ. Ψυχή is the life of the individual, ζωή life in the abstract. By a noble disregard of the former we win the latter: sacrifice of self is the highest self-preservation. See on Matthew 10:39; Matthew 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; Luke 17:33. Most of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:26

ἘΜΟῚ�. In My life of self-sacrifice: Christ Himself has set the example of hating one’s life in this world. These words are perhaps addressed through the disciples to the Greeks listening close at hand. If they ‘wish to see Jesus’ and know Him they must count the cost first. Ἐμοί is emphatic in both... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:27

27. A verse of known difficulty: several meanings are admissible and none can be affirmed with certainty. The doubtful points are (1) the interrogation, whether it should come after τί εἴπω or ταύτης; (2) the meaning of διὰ τοῦτο. Ἡ ΨΥΧΉ Μ. ΤΕΤΆΡΑΚΤΑΙ. _My soul has been and still is troubled_. It i... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:28

ἮΛΘΕΝ ΟΥ̓͂Ν. _There came_ THEREFORE, i.e. in answer to Christ’s prayer. There can be no doubt what S. John _wishes_ us to understand;—that a voice was heard speaking articulate words, that some could distinguish the words, others could not, while some mistook the sounds for thunder. To make the thun... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:30

ἈΠΕΚΡΊΘΗ. He answered their discussions about the sound, and by calling it a voice He decides conclusively against those who supposed it to be thunder. But those who recognised that it was a voice were scarcely less seriously mistaken; _their_ error consisted in not recognising that the voice had a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:31

ΝΥ͂Ν … ΝΥ͂Ν. With prophetic certainty He speaks of the victory as already won: comp. ὄπου ΕἸΜΊ (John 12:26). Κρίσις τ. κόσμου τ. is the sentence passed on this world (John 3:17; John 5:29) for refusing to believe. The Cross is the condemnation of those who reject it. Ὁ ἌΡΧΩΝ Τ. Κ. Τ. _The_ RULER _of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:32

ΚἈΓῺ ἘᾺΝ ὙΨΩΘΩ͂. Ἐγώ in emphatic opposition to ὁ ἄρχων τ. κ. τ. The glorified Christ, raised to heaven by means of the Cross, will rule men’s hearts in the place of the devil. We need not, as in John 3:14; John 8:28, confine ὑψωθῶ to the Crucifixion; ἘΚ τῆς γῆς seems to point to the Ascension. Yet t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:33

ΠΟἹΩΙ Θ. _By what_ MANNER OF _death_ (John 10:32; John 18:32; John 21:9). For ἬΜΕΛΛΕΝ see on John 6:71.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:34

ἘΚ Τ. ΝΌΜΟΥ. In its widest sense, including the Psalms and the Prophets, as in John 10:34; John 15:25. Comp. Psalms 89:29; Psalms 89:36; Psalms 110:4; Isaiah 9:7; Ezekiel 37:25, &c. The people rightly understand ‘lifted up from the earth’ to mean removal from the earth by death; and they argue—‘Scri... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:35

ΕἾΠΕΝ ΟΥ̓͂Ν ΑΥ̓. Ὁ Ἰ. _Jesus_ THEREFORE _said to them_: instead of answering their contemptuous question He gives them a solemn warning. _Walk_ AS _ye have the light_ (ὡς not ἔως) means ‘walk in a manner suitable to the fact of there being the Light _among you_: make use of the Light and work, _in o... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:36

ὩΣ Τ. ΦΩ͂Σ ἜΧΕΤΕ. AS _ye have_ THE _Light_ (as in John 12:35), _believe_ ON _the Light, that ye may_ BECOME SONS _of light_. Note the impressive repetition of φῶς (comp. John 1:10; John 3:17; John 3:31; John 15:19; John 17:14), and the absence of the article before φωτός. In all the four preceding c... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:37

ΤΟΣΑΥ͂ΤΑ. _So many_, not ‘so great’ (John 6:9; John 21:11). The Jews admitted His miracles (John 7:31; John 11:47). S. John assumes them as notorious, though he records only seven (John 2:23; John 4:45; John 7:31; John 11:47).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:37-43

THE JUDGMENT OF THE EVANGELIST S. John here sums up the results of the ministry which has just come to a close. Their comparative poverty is such that he can explain it in no other way than as an illustration of that judicial blindness which had been foretold and denounced by Isaiah. The tragic ton... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:38

ἽΝΑ … ΠΛΗΡΩΘΗ͂Ι. Indicating the Divine purpose. Comp. John 13:18; John 15:25; John 17:12; John 18:9; John 18:32; John 19:24; John 19:36. It is the two specially Hebraistic Gospels that most frequently remind us that Christ’s life was a fulfilment of Hebrew prophecy. Comp. Matthew 1:22 (note),... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:39

ΔΙᾺ ΤΟΥ͂ΤΟ. FOR THIS CAUSE: as usual (John 12:18; John 12:27; John 5:18; John 7:21-22; John 8:47; John 10:17) this refers to what precedes, and ὅτι following gives the reason more explicitly. For ΟΥ̓Κ ἘΔΎΝΑΝΤΟ see on John 7:7. It had become morally impossible for them to believe. Grace may be refuse... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:40

ἘΠΏΡΩΣΕΝ for πεπώρωκεν, and ἸΆΣΟΜΑΙ for ἰάσωμαι (both corrections for uniformity): ΣΤΡΑΦΩ͂ΣΙΝ for ἐπιστραφῶσι (ἐπιστρέψωσιν in LXX.). 40. ΤΕΤΎΦΛΩΚΕΝ. The nominative is ὁ Θεός. Here the quotation follows neither the Hebrew nor the LXX. of Isaiah 6:10 very closely. The nominative to ἰάσομαι is Christ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:41

ὍΤΙ for ὅτε: comp. John 12:17. 41. ὍΤΙ ΕἾΔΕΝ. BECAUSE _he saw_. Here, as in John 12:17, authorities vary between ὅτι and ὄτε, and here ὅτι is to be preferred. Christ’s glory was revealed to Isaiah in a vision, and therefore he spoke of it. The glory of the Son before the Incarnation, when He was ἐν... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:42

ὍΜΩΣ ΜΈΝΤΟΙ. Here only in N.T. For μέντοι see on John 4:27. In spite of the judicial blindness with which God had visited them _many_ even of _the Sanhedrin believed on Him_. We know of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. But because of the recognised champions of orthodoxy both in and outside the Sa... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:43

ΤῊΝ ΔΌΞΑΝ Τ. ἈΝΘΡ. _THE_ GLORY (_that cometh_) _from men rather than the_ GLORY (_that cometh_) _from God_ (see on John 5:41; John 5:44). Joseph and Nicodemus confessed their belief after the crisis of the Crucifixion. Gamaliel did not even get so far as to believe on Him.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:44

ἜΚΡΑΞΕΝ. The word implies _public_ teaching (John 7:28; John 7:37). ΟΥ̓ ΠΙΣΤ. ΕἸΣ ἘΜΈ. His belief does not end there; it must include more. This saying does not occur in the previous discourses; but in John 5:36 and John 8:19 we have a similar thought. Jesus came as His Father’s ambassador, and an a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:44-50

THE JUDGMENT OF CHRIST The Evangelist has just summed up the results of Christ’s ministry (37–43). He now corroborates that estimate by quoting Christ Himself. But as John 12:36 seems to give us the close of the ministry, we are probably to understand that what follows was uttered on some occasion... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:45

Ὁ ΘΕΩΡΩ͂Ν. _He who_ BEHOLDETH, _contemplateth_ (John 6:40; John 6:62; John 7:3; John 14:17; John 14:19; John 16:10; John 16:16-17; John 16:19, &c.).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:46

ἘΓῺ ΦΩ͂Σ. _I_, with great emphasis, _am come as light_ (John 12:35-36; John 8:12; John 9:5). ἽΝΑ, of the Divine purpose. Till the Light comes all are in darkness (John 1:5); but it is not God’s will that anyone should abide in darkness. With ΠΑ͂Σ comp. John 1:7; John 3:15; John 11:26 : there is no l... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:47

ΦΥΛΆΞΗΙ for πιστεύσῃ, on overwhelming authority. 47. ἈΚΟΎΣΗΙ. In a neutral sense, implying neither belief nor unbelief (Matthew 7:24; Matthew 7:26; Mark 4:15-16). For ῥήματα see on John 3:34. ΜῊ ΦΥΛΆΞΗΙ. KEEP THEM NOT, i.e. fulfil them not (Luke 11:28; Luke 18:21). A few authorities omit μή, perha... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:48

ἜΧΕΙ. Hath his judge already, without My sentencing him (John 3:18; John 5:45). The hearer may refuse the word, but he cannot refuse the responsibility of having heard it. For the retrospective use of ἐκεῖνος see on John 1:18, and for ἐν τ. ἐσχάτῃ ἡμέρᾳ see on John 6:39. This verse is conclusive as... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:49

ὍΤΙ. BECAUSE. It introduces the reason why one who rejects Christ’s word will be judged by His word;—because that word is manifestly Divine in origin. With ἐξ ἐμαυτοῦ, _out of Myself_ as source, without commission from the Father, comp. ἀπ' ἐμαυτοῦ, John 5:30; John 7:17; John 7:28; John 8:28; John 8... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:50

50. The Son’s testimony to the Father. ‘The commission which He has given Me _is_ (not shall be) ETERNAL LIFE’ (John 3:15-16). ‘THE THINGS THEREFORE WHICH _I speak, even as the Father_ HATH _said to Me, so I speak_.’ With this the first main division of the Gospel ends. CHRIST’S REVELATION OF HIMSE... [ Continue Reading ]

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