οὐκ ἔγνωσαν. A mark of candour: see on John 2:22; John 11:12; John 20:9. After Pentecost much that had been unnoticed or obscure before was brought to their remembrance and made clear (John 14:26). But would a Christian of the second century have invented this dulness in Apostles? Ταῦτα, with threefold emphasis, refers primarily to the placing Him on the young ass. For ἐδοξάσθη see on John 7:39; John 11:4. The nom. to ἐποίησαν is οἱ μαθηταί: they themselves had unwittingly helped to fulfil the prophecy (Luke 19:29; Luke 19:37; Luke 19:39).

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Old Testament