ἀπολλύει (אBL) for ἀπολέσει (AD).

25. ψυχήν … ζωήν. Ψυχή is the life of the individual, ζωή life in the abstract. By a noble disregard of the former we win the latter: sacrifice of self is the highest self-preservation. See on Matthew 10:39; Matthew 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; Luke 17:33. Most of these texts refer to different occasions, so that this solemn warning must have been often on His lips. This occasion is distinct from all the rest. Ἀπολλύει is either destroyeth it or loseth it: selfishness is self-ruin.

ὁ μισῶν. He who, if necessary, is ready to act towards his ψυχή as if he hated it. Neither here nor in Luke 14:26 must μισεῖν be watered down to mean ‘be not too fond of:’ it means that and a great deal more. For ζωὴν αἰώνιον see on John 3:15-16.

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Old Testament