ἀναπεσών for ἐπιπεσών (from Luke 15:20?).

25. ἀναπεσὼν … ἐπὶ τὸ στῆθος. In John 13:23 we have the permanent posture, here a change, as in John 13:12 : he leaning back on to Jesusbreast. For ἐκεῖνος see on John 1:8; for οὕτως, as he was, comp. John 4:6. “This is among the most striking of those vivid descriptive traits which distinguish the narrative of the Fourth Gospel generally, and which are especially remarkable in these last scenes of Jesus’ life, where the beloved disciple was himself an eye-witness and an actor. It is therefore to be regretted that these fine touches of the picture should be blurred in our English Bibles.” Lightfoot, On Revision, p. 73.

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Old Testament